He’s not my President - especially not on Obama Day
He’s not my President - especially not on Obama Day
So we’re all in favor for spending $80 to have all the streaming services instead of $80 for cable?
I love TNG, but did anyone really want this?
What’s understated in the article is how he always talks tough on these here Internets, falls way back when he is in the person’s presence, then ramps up the tough talk after he’s out of their face again. Classic cowardly bullshit.
I fucking love watermelon, especially when it’s 95 degrees outside
I grew up in a region where we ate watermelon on a hot day, and fried chicken/collard greens/cornbread on Sundays after church. That’s pretty much what everyone who lived around us ate (even the Italians ate that way).
On the other hand, it would be a really great opportunity to have some “track work” occurring when all of them are loaded on one train, preferably in between stations, and preferably with an AC outage.
Prominent Black Conspiracy Theorists: Roseanne Barr
Ugh. There needs to be a law for people who call the police like this.
“are unacceptable in the #MeToo era and are not in line with Disney’s family-friendly image.”
I had a long talk with a semi-sane close conservative friend of mine about this. He doesn’t like that Gunn was fired, but he ‘gets it’ because Roseanne. I pointed out that Gunn’s indefensible tweets were apologized for, by Gunn, back in 2012, that he’d had no relapses since then, that Disney already knew, and his cast…
I mean, it’s in line with Obama’s views. I think it’d be hard to imagine him endorsing any Bernie-adjacent people.
I really miss his ability to string coherent sentences together from correct and relevant words of more than one syllable. Who knew that would ever be something I’d miss in a president?
I feel left out, too, because he didn’t do my state. But apparently, this is the first list of endorsements with more to come. Or so I’ve heard.
Maaaaaannn, white people are gonna be upset when they find out Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn’t on this list...
President Barack Obama will always be my high mark for what a president should be and how a president should act.
I’m glad y’all got the house. I’m sorry you had to endure that bullshit right before you crossed the finish line. May you forever be able to keep your sneaker game on point.
I worked in mortgage servicing rather than origination, but even there I saw bias for sure; bias against POC, bias against LGBTQ, bias against disabled veterans, bias against the elderly & a huge bias against people w/ nontraditional jobs (unless they’re wealthy already). The excuse (when it’s brought up,…