TwoFairy only leaves a dollar not two

Finna block you

I heard she ghosted him.

It’s her birthday on August 4 and I want to send her a card.

when you wrote “tamer of wasps” I thought you meant WASPs, nit literal wasps, but then I remembered she handled a LITERAL wasp last week. But both of my interpretations are accurate

Awwwww...stupid troll is going to act like Investigation Discovery isn’t a part of every single cable package in America. That shit is even in hotels. Git.

It’s the kind of thing if a guy came to me and said this about my 5-year-old daughter, he’s going to spend the next hour playing “find his teeth.”

Am I the only one who gets creeped out by, and leery of, anyone who wants to “showcase the inner woman!!!” of a five-year-old kid?

Love the pictures but the photographer's comments are beyond creepy. I don't think her gaze looks mature beyond her years, when children are still they just have an inner serenity adults have to strive for.

Yeah. I’m staying completely out of this.

White people stay trying to tell us black people are violent like they don’t have an entire fucking channel dedicated to them stalking/raping/killing each other.

Just what I was thinking. She’s precious, but she’s only 5 which is NOT anywhere near the transition between childhood and adulthood. The quotes from the photographer were so creepy. I’m old enough to remember JonBenet Ramsey :(

“Hurr-durr, luuk at me! Stoopid rayciss is funee!”

The captions and narration on the video (couldn’t finish it) make me uncomfortable.  Referring to the “inner woman” of a 5 year old resembles how abusers talk about children.  They are all beautiful girls, but I hear and see objectification in how they are presented here.

“Keep that same energy.” I am using that on my increasingly smart mouthed child from this day forward, because I’m tired of saying, “I’m not one of your little friends.” Which should be #1 on your list of “things your mama says before she beats your ass.”

Uh... Is this okay to do? It’s not creepy? Cuz I’m getting nothing but creep vibes labeling a 5 year old as beautiful. “Posing them as adults” ugh...

this kind of glamming-up-kids thing is never not gonna bother me.

In my experience the #1 thing you could hear that wil foreshadow a massive ass whooping is pure silence. If someone keeps yelling shit like.. what’s up ? What’s up? You wanna do this? This person does not actually want to fight you. If your opponent is just dead silent, you need to gtfo of there ASAP bc this person is

12a. “i tell you what...”

12. “You know what?”
13. “This n*gga.”
14. “Hold up.”
15. “It’s like that?”