TwoFairy only leaves a dollar not two

Baked mac & cheese!

God I must have read Dave Barry's books at a really impressionable age, because I have this passage memorized and I haven't thought about it in decades.

Sure. And the KKK has “never...taken a position on the criminalization of being black.”

It’s a hate hierarchy; adopted families and children are still hated, but far less than whores who have abortions, who are probably near the bottom, just above the children of poor mothers who couldn’t have abortions.

In the 80's I used to call this “guys who think they’re 2 situps and a Corvette away from dating Cindy Crawford”. But I’m old.

They get accumulated in the binders until you can make a sufficiently large number of whole women out of them!

Does he have progressive support now? His followers keep threatening to support trump or at least not help the democrats win if they don’t get their way.

I was wondering when the progressive Tea Party would show up. This may be the nascent stages, where they begin organizing primary challenges to politicians who are viewed as insufficiently progressive. We’ll get our own Sharon Angle, Todd Akin, Richard Mourdocks up there and fuck up winnable seats in Congress.

Nobody seems to understand that local elections are at stake in this election. If these BernieBros were there to impact the democratic process, not raise sh-, we’d hear a different tone. So they’ll whine about sh- and not bother to get themselves and their community to vote.

This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.

I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.

He should have condemned the Bernie Bro phenomenon a long time ago. Not just said, “that’s not really ok” *wink, wink*

As far as I can think it through, what’s happened to the Sanders campaign is a symptom of believing that electoral politics begin and end with the presidential election. I like and agree with a lot of Sanders’ positions, but have been wary of turning him into my own personal avatar for my dissatisfaction with the pace

I had to unfollow several Bernie supporters, because I find them to be insufferable, and not to dissimilar from Trump supporters. Cantankerous, bitter, and unreasonable. Any dissent lodged at HRC is gospel, any lodged at Bernie is conspiracy. I tried to make a plea for solidarity, but I am told I am just a party

I think your parenthetical is key. All of the Hillary supporters I know don’t really talk about it. If we do, it’s in hushed tones in real life or on group chat/text with other known Hillary supporters. We really are a silent majority. I have gotten more brazen about posting on facebook as the campaign has gone on and

I love Bernie Sanders. I have loved him for years, ever since he emerge as the Socialist mayor of Burlington, Vermont. Never in my life did I think a Socialist could have a serious bid for presidency in this country. Hooray! I am greatly dismayed by the behavior of many of his supporters, though. They do not seem to

It is shocking that a cult of fair weather progressives, political know-nothings and privileged nihilists who want all the benefits of party membership with none of the responsibilities and accept only those rules that work in their savior’s favor would resort to bigoted slurs and violence when they don’t get their

I can’t help but notice the ones getting painted as Corrupt Establishment Cartoon Villains all seem to be women. Lange, Wasserman-Schultz, Boxer, and, yes, Hillary. Am I saying lets canonize all these women for sainthood? No - but I will say those names come up over and over again as evidence of evil corruption in a

Real revolutions are started by people facing true hardships: life-threatening poverty, violent corruption, gross injustice. They are not started by people experiencing relative prosperity who are just really, really upset that they’re not getting their way. This is not a revolution, it’s a revolution fantasy. Berners

Dude yes. You know that Citizens United case that Bernie keeps railing about? You know what needs to happen to overturn that ruling? A fifth liberal justice on the Supreme Court. Without that, it doesn’t matter what kind of law we pass or what kind of executive decision a liberal president issues. Campaign finance