TwoFairy only leaves a dollar not two

I’m not sure I can buy Sean Penn playing a character with anger issues

I remember seeing the trailer in theaters and, despite a packed house, I didn’t hear a single laugh. I kept thinking how odd it was that the movie was trying to be so serious when it’s a movie with CG birds based off a mobil game. Almost felt like a close friend of the Rovio crew had given them a script and was super

Baked mac & cheese!

The Good Looking, Racially Diverse League of Non-Threating Young People!

Well I don’t like that.

God I must have read Dave Barry's books at a really impressionable age, because I have this passage memorized and I haven't thought about it in decades.

Sure. And the KKK has “never...taken a position on the criminalization of being black.”

It’s a hate hierarchy; adopted families and children are still hated, but far less than whores who have abortions, who are probably near the bottom, just above the children of poor mothers who couldn’t have abortions.

In the 80's I used to call this “guys who think they’re 2 situps and a Corvette away from dating Cindy Crawford”. But I’m old.

They get accumulated in the binders until you can make a sufficiently large number of whole women out of them!

Does he have progressive support now? His followers keep threatening to support trump or at least not help the democrats win if they don’t get their way.

I was wondering when the progressive Tea Party would show up. This may be the nascent stages, where they begin organizing primary challenges to politicians who are viewed as insufficiently progressive. We’ll get our own Sharon Angle, Todd Akin, Richard Mourdocks up there and fuck up winnable seats in Congress.

Nobody seems to understand that local elections are at stake in this election. If these BernieBros were there to impact the democratic process, not raise sh-, we’d hear a different tone. So they’ll whine about sh- and not bother to get themselves and their community to vote.

This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.

I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.

He should have condemned the Bernie Bro phenomenon a long time ago. Not just said, “that’s not really ok” *wink, wink*

As far as I can think it through, what’s happened to the Sanders campaign is a symptom of believing that electoral politics begin and end with the presidential election. I like and agree with a lot of Sanders’ positions, but have been wary of turning him into my own personal avatar for my dissatisfaction with the pace

The thing is, let’s assume that the Avengers had already been under international oversight during the events of Age of Ultron. What would have changed? Would Tony still have created Ultron? Well, it doesn’t really seem like the Sokovia Accords would have prevented him from doing so. Having been created, Ultron would

Very, Very Hawt.

This is definitely true, but I think there is another, deeper theme- Responsibility and Guilt.