This is just the greatest.
This is just the greatest.
I thought most of these people were contained in Gloucester City.
In suburbs and rural areas almost all ability to walk somewhere to actually purchase needed goods has been eliminated. No sidewalks. Local stores gone.
I usually try to find something, anything, good to say about a person who has passed.
One would think these people spend a lot of time on large boats, even.
It was a term generally used by the snooty. I think that’s why she used it here. “I shall repair myself to my study for the evening.”
Repair is actually correct. It’s old-fashioned, but it’s correct.
I’m honestly shocked that this many people are out there.
That’s actually me.
You don’t say.
Pour the shot into your beer (or drop the whole shot glass into it- traditional) and you have a Depth Charge.
Depression is a liar. It’s also coercive. It convinces you that no- go ahead. Just let this happen. You don’t like it? Just relax.
I just checked my own.
I lost my dog of a lifetime at age 12 last year.
This makes me want to cry. Everyone around here lost their tomatoes this year to some virus, and I got maybe 3 grape tomatoes. The peppers died, too. This harvest is lovely. Do good things with it. Make me proud. *salutes fellow gardener*
I think my life got better when I started working in high school and had friendships and interactions with people outside of the damn same 800 kids and teachers.