TwoFairy only leaves a dollar not two

*digs bifocals out of handbag*

Playing on PS3, and one of my main issues is that the controls lag. Super-touchy isn’t any fun, but these controls are like pulling teeth to get anything done. Gotta pull a grappling hook? Don’t you dare let your thumb shake. Gotta run? I hope walking briskly is okay with you.

I saw that episode many times. The sheep put on the coat to ride the bus to go get pizza, pay with a frog, and poor Timmy gets this miniscule pizza that he rightly isn’t happy about.

So then can we make Adam the poster child for low information voters?

Watching Zootopia in the theater with my kids I actually cackled out loud like a Crone when that was stated, and my daughter looked at me and said, “Why is that funny?” Ah me.

I teared up again.

Today is the last day of school, so I’m going to let our daughter stay up late to watch as well. And I will likely cry and squeeze her too tightly.

I’m crying. *shares box of Kleenex*

Our daughter was two when Obama was first elected, and the possibility of this is making me so excited I can’t stand it. Her whole childhood will be so much different from mine in this regard, all of her expectations will be different, and I could just plotz.

Oh God I just flashed back to the 90s.

Now I want to drink wine while singing your user name.

I am now singing your user name.

I just choked on a Triscuit. Dammit.

Boy I’ve never had a comment recommended this often and in turn prodding completely ridiculous negative replies before. No- folks- I’m comfortable and happy with my decision here. I have “done my research” as is the phrase thrown around to be dismissive these days. I’m good. Been doing this whole election year thing

I love two of my cousins very much, and I would battle to the death to save either one of them, but they are both ignorant, misogynistic chuckleheads, and I’m glad I live 11 hours away from them so I don’t dope-slap them daily.

Everyone was so worried about the riots if Trump didn’t get the nom, and now I wonder what’ll happen when Hillary goes to the general.

He already lost me with this exact crap.

I just started leaking tears down my face because this is exactly how I’ve been feeling and couldn’t formulate the words to express it. Our daughter is 9, and I’m just so angry and afraid because nothing is getting better. I think about all of the things that happened to me, and all of the situations I was in, and I

Oh no. He is clearly an asshat, and his adorableness is what is saving his life now that daughters can be in direct line for the throne and all.