I would very much like to go back in time with a crowbar in my hands.
I would very much like to go back in time with a crowbar in my hands.
Our daughter is the same way. We lovingly call her Hall Monitor.
Our daughter started getting actual curves at age 8 and is wearing a bra at 9.5 because exercising already makes her chest uncomfortable.
The final (yeah- final) time my toxic ex dumped me I called my best friend laughing and said, “The dog gets to sleep on the bed tonight!”
It’s about the toilet paper roll being hung over or under.
I lost my son’s twin at 8 weeks and was told there was nothing they could do because our son was growing fine, and that I’d have to deal with it while it absorbed.
I am saving this article so that I can show it to our daughter and watch her roll her eyes out of their sockets.
Even leaving aside the blind item this photo made me laugh out loud.
Don’t forget, Pangolin, the poor aren’t supposed to reproduce in the first place. At least that’s what’s been made clear in the replies.
Yes, and as I said from the beginning- people who speak as you are refusing to look outside your own situation. Even if that’s a different country. The support for every single worker in this country sucks. There is little to no paid time off. This myth that people of the type that I mentioned in my very first post,…
Cool story nothing, you wise-ass. I’m a stay at home mom. Through necessity. My son is developmentally disabled.
It isn’t “convenience” to end up staying home with a sick kid, not getting paid, and having someone else have to cover you. You also don’t seem to be seeing this realistically. Swimming lessons aren’t even a blip on most people’s radar because for a ton of people in this country that’s a luxury so far down the list it…
When I was 26 I was carrying a coffee table to the very nice convertible of a very well-dressed customer, and she said, “You know- we didn’t march and protest so you could do manual labor.” I said, “I thought you did those things so I could do whatever I wanted to.”
Our son is here because my meds reduced the efficacy of the Pill.
As a resident of North Carolina I’m really bummed you didn’t use this.
I’m seeing an awful lot of classist privilege in these comments.
I will buy you the adult beverage of your choice for that.
Much applause and confetti to you.
I’ve discovered that staring at them without saying a word, and continuing to stare, usually gets a more enjoyable result for me. Occasionally my right eyebrow will get involved. It’s pushy that way.