Amazon seems to have flour now and then, though.
Amazon seems to have flour now and then, though.
First I just want to say the CEO’s suggestion that the “production of batteries” contributing negatively to a car’s lifetime emissions has been debunked many times before.
I think the psychology is actually more of a problem. I definitely noticed people getting closer to me today in the store than last week, mostly the people with face masks. Including the guy whose mask didn’t even cover his nose.
How about you loosen up the rulebook on front wheel track, and just see what happens?
Because it was about as fast as some of the other cars at Le Mans while running a pretty much unlimited spec?
Ok, replace “want” with “willing”.
Ferrari said on Wednesday it would offer voluntary blood tests to employees who wanted to know if they had been exposed to the virus.
I think it’s pretty consistent. All companies are bad because they want to make money, and pay their most skilled, best educated, and experienced people more than those that they could replace with a random person off the street.
There is some logic to doing something a little beyond that, while keeping distance. It’s going to be easier to restrain yourself from doing stuff that’s even worse in June by doing minimal risk stuff now. Like I’m trying to figure out which park is going to be least mobbed for some easy hiking, it’ll make restraining…
I think it’s a question of how many are actually going to be made. There are ~6mn hospital employees in the United States. With everyone that’s entered the field to make face shields (given that they’re the about the easiest PPE to start making,) are we talking about the completely uncoordinated effort making 1…
It’s not entirely useless. It’s still far more likely for a symptomatic person to spread than asymptomatic, even if it’s possible for the asymptomatic person.
Must be a Florida thing. There are no dirtbikes, high grass, or free-ranging dogs in my neighborhood.
When there’s jellyfish.
Neutral: I’d bring back the Ford Falcon, but offer it with a giant supercharger.
We get it - you feel useless because of covid, but not for long, hopefully.
Yes, but when you decide to test based on severity of symptoms, and nearing death is...pretty severe, you’ll catch a much, much higher percentage of the fatal cases than mild cases.
Zimbabwe will probably be ok. Median age is only 20, and population really starts to drop off above 40.
I mean, that’s 31%, because you have to add the two together.
I don’t drive that much, but probably around 12k/year for the commute. At the IRS mileage rate, that’s about $6800/year.
I’ve gone to 151. Kills the germs.