
I can’t look at the obnoxious Minions-populated memes my MiL posts the same way anymore.

No because he didn’t initially treat his hook ups like shit before getting with them. He’d talk to them and make them feel listened to.

For me it wasn’t their names. Jlaw looks very Teutonic and Lorenz didn’t. But most importantly, it seems like Hollywood has stopped believing there are any other actresses. It’s not jlaws fault, but it really is over saturation.

They also considered dropping an anvil on his head.

If something like that ever were to be planned, more likely than not the President wouldn’t even be involved.

Is she really? I love J Lawr, but seeing her play someone named “Marita Lorenz” is cringe city...

Just Wikipedia’dher and discovered that jlaw will be playing her in a movie. Great. Not.

Yeah, let she who hasn’t slept with a dumb ex she’d rather have assassinated cast the first stone here.

He was a total alpha, just like Che, are you kidding? Half the appeal for a dogmatist’s followers is sexual. Grotesque but true.

There was the time the CIA tried to poison his milkshake. There was the ploy to discredit him by spraying him down with LSD and watching him go insane during a live radio broadcast. There was, I shit you not, an idea to pack his omnipresent cigar with explosives.

Honestly the ridiculous ways the U.S tried (and failed) to get rid of Castro could be a fucking Despicable Me movie. Okay so Castro loved scuba diving so the CIA seriously considered building an explosive seashell to kill him on one of his dives, they also considered contaminating his diving suit with TB and some kind

The American assianation attempts on Castro makes us sound like Bond Villians or the 1960's verson of the Joker.

*sigh*...I been there, girl. I feel ya.

I really don’t know how to feel about this

Interesting. I didn’t know Castro was a swaggering alpha. Doesn’t this lend credence to the nice guy theory that women enjoy being treated like shit?

Pedantry Corner: it’s “hare-brained.” As in, a brain the size of a rabbit’s. “Hair” as a modifier to “brain” makes no sense. See also: “mad as a March hare.”

Haha, yeah i was like those sound good rn. But i just googled Frank Sturgis bc im like that sounds familiar......WATERGATE

I’m just going to leave this here.


I like Jill Stein.