
to be fair, the omission of Herman’s Hermits is TRULY offensive

Should have consisted of Queen Mother with a different hat on every page.

Their argument lost any possible sympathy I might have had by equating women in general to somebody pulling to put Herman’s Hermits or whoever on the pages. One of these things is not like the other.

This is called “Restraint Asphyxia”, and police departments have known about it for at least 15 years. People who are hog-tied face down (as opposed to lying on their side) and on drugs are the most likely to die from it. The paramedics should have known better, too - ambulance stretchers are not made to transport

He did drugs that aren’t conservative approved (stick to abusing prescriptions, friend!) so the apologists will sleep just fine.

I would say that is fortunate, actually.

Unfortunately, by the police saying that early on, they’ve opened themselves up for a serious lawsuit if the autopsy comes back clean for LSD (or even if it wasn’t that much).

That’s so insane to me that hogtying and restraining someone face-down aren’t explicitly prohibited for EMTs. Especially in this instance when there are, what, 6 or 7 cops and EMTs there? Between them they couldn’t untie this man and restrain him properly, face-up on the stretcher?

so this area of mississippi is on the border of tennessee, the city of memphis to be exact. i grew up in memphis and my neighborhood was close enough to southaven to walk (though we drive everywhere; there’s little pedestrian space save the downtown and midtown areas). many people who lived in memphis at one point

Not sure if I’ll get out of the greys, but I’m a journalist in Memphis (Southaven is in our metro area), and I’ve been monitoring this story closely.

I’ve been thinking it should be “To harass and murder (if we can get away with it).”

Well now they’ve gone and done it. Killed a perfectly good white boy. Police apologists are going to struggle a bit with this one.

“Look at what you made us do”?

What the fuck is wrong with the EMT’s there? I don’t expect shit from the cops they’re amoral scumbags who have no care for the lives of the people unfortunate enough to cross their sociopathic paths. However, the EMT’s are medically trained. They know damn well about positional asphyxia why the fuck would they put

interacting safely with people who are intoxicated and/or people who struggle with mental illness should be a fucking required course in Cop School.

I´m sure they will try to blame drugs, but LSD does not affect the central nervous system, and hence does not cause any changes in heart rate, breathing, blood presure... As as prof once explained it: “You can take enough LSD that you think you can fly, and jump off a building, but there is no lethall dose that will

I just - ugh. If someone was tripping their face off and actually needed to be restrained so that they could receive necessary medical attention, why would you shove their face into a stretcher? Usually people who are high as fuck on acid are easily made afraid of things - it makes you distrustful. If someone trussed

i can’t handle anymore of these stories. no more. heartbreaking.