
I read it as an attempt to allay any criticism or idea that the women in the village would be on some sort of “welfare”. The village has been built for them, apparently from outside funds (government or charitable organization), so promoting the idea that they will become self-sufficient is a step in that direction.

This is one those watershed events that will unite, at least temporarily, all the various factions in Syria and the foreign powers: they can all agree that these pesky women are the real danger and have got to go.

True that. I fear that they’d murder everyone in that commune to prove that exact point.

Seems like just a rough colloquialism... like saying “Robert is kept busy by working at First Freedom Bank during the week and enjoying family time and fishing on the weekends.” It’s a pretty stuffy turn of phrase, but I don’t see anything wrong with it... anything involving farming really does seem to keep people busy

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There’s a few all-women villages in Kenya as well. Get it ladies!

As a man, I’m good with it. Hope we get bred out of the species. Fuck men... Especially white men and conservative men in general. They ruin all the things!

I'd say simply because of Turkey. They are a NATO member. And they are in conflict with the Kurds, obviously. 

100% agree. If the Kurds had somehow controlled the oil fields in Iraq/Syria/Kuwait, I don’t think there would have been a second gulf war. 

fyi the “non-kurds” wouldn’t want that because they’ve been oppressing the kurds lol 

Easy: there’s not enough money in it. About the only way the West would even consider the idea is if the proposed borders of Kurdistan included rich oil fields or some other mineral commodity, and the Kurdish leaders basically gave the West as close to unlimited access to same as possible.

Anyone want to have a men free commune in the US? Maybe some place warm. 

Anyone want to have a men free commune in the US? Maybe some place warm...

Hope their village prospers, their animals are always healthy and that they always have food and peace.

Good luck to them.

I keep waiting for Turkey to mess up so bad that the U.S. government finally says, “Ok, enough already. You know what, we’re officially standing up Kurdistan. You thought you had a thorn in your foot before?

The Kurds have deserved their own country/state for decades. Historically put upon, and generally moderate in their practice of Islam. Why Western forces haven’t installed a Kurd regime in Syria/Iraq is beyond me. 

It does but if I was in her position I would assume the professional that was provided for me by the network was trustworthy, once she took that pill and it kicked in she was incapacitated.

And I can see why she trusted them, you’re on this show and they provide you this service, she felt safe and trusted this person, I hope she sues the fuck out of them.

I hope she sues the shit out of ABC/Warner Bros and Bachelor. They were the entity that provided the ‘professional.’