
You are right, it was exactly that way for me. Luckily I live in a big city in Canada where literally I called the clinic the minute I missed my period and did the pee test and was in and out of the clinic a week later before I was even 6 weeks pregnant. I think the stats are like 1 in 3 woman will have an abortion in

totally agree! When I started looking at exercise as a way to lesson my depression episodes (and it really does work for me) and not about appearance, working out became such a joyful thing to do.

Thats what I am thinking, there is no one both rich enough and dumb enough to go for this package.

I am WILLINGLY having sex with someone for money. I really don't think I am stupid, perhaps the person who is calling someone else names over the internet because they don't like their choice of work is.

good. so YOU dont take 200$ to fuck some gross man. I will continue to do it. Thanks.

totally! just like being in an all inclusive resort! no cooking! ;)

haha no kidding, its kind of weird but I always think about how much time I would have if I were in jail, I would learn like 2 new languages and get another degree lol

I guess when you are jail you have nothing to lose...gotta try


ah yes I think it is a bit more than a dollar less in Quebec as well. 8.90$ compared to 10.35$. I still think they should make min wage though.

Marriage sounds more to me like "selling your body to someone"

"...also could you introduce me to miley?"

totally agree! I love how in a lot of places in Europe the tip is totally included. I am really sensitive about the tip thing and it bothers me when I talk to people in the US who don't make minimum wage and have to deal with people tipping. How is that even legal to pay waiters like 3$/hour it is infuriating! In

It really has nothing to do with "people being so poor they need to rent out their vaginas". Its a choice. A choice over MY body that I should be allowed to make for myself. I am educated thanks, I have my bachelors degree. I choose to do this job because it gives me the freedom to live the life I want with the income

wow I can't believe how hard it is for you to access this type of service in your area! I guess that is what politicians want though, it is really ridiculous in my opinion

A LOT of girls are really living the life off of it, but for me it is only a part time thing, I work 5 hours a week max, I see men I like and am comfortable and safe with etc. I am a single mother and educating my son is my first priority so yea I make a good living but I am not rolling in the mercedes or anything lol

I think so as well, a lot of the men I see lack a connection and intimacy as well as sexual gratification, I think it is a valid service that needs to be provided. Montreal has a large population of working girls and I know a lot of men who openly talk about using the service. In my opinion full legalization of it

hahahaha no kidding

I am in canada so I don't need to worry about being arrested or anything, I can imagine what a hassle that would be for someone trying to work where it is illegal.

really great movie