
Who is she? And is her shitty behaviour supposed to be cute?

I’ve lived in Texas most of my life and I’ve never been stressed about being shot.

Two employees speak no English whatsoever? More like “I overheard two employees speaking to each other in Spanish so I have to jump on Twitter because I just found me the Racist Goldmine”

Wow. Adequate Man commenters are a ray of fucking sunshine aren’t they?

It’s alright but I worry about anyone who claims it’s any better.

But if you know that no one’s gonna know who they are...why write an aticle about them?

What’s the deal with Jane the Virgin? Is it the kind of cheesy show I can have on in the background while I clean, or the kind I should sit down and enjoy?

We just got our own apartment! We’re lucky enough to have a huge Ikea a few minutes away, any cheap furniture suggestions?

Taco cleanse? It’s called being Mexican.

No I knew exactly who you meant.

Why is everyone so angry?

I really need to know Michael Cera’s thoughts on this.

By this time next year your life is going to be amazing! Maybe by this time in a month, who knows!

If you must buy used and must buy online, look for eBayers with good feedback.


Pro tip: Buy some squirt soda. Mix it with tequila. You have a poor man’s Paloma (a Mexican drink that includes grapefruit juice and tequila).

Hardware and software support. I nearly cried.

Thank you, I literally screamed when I saw my grade.

Jim beam and coke. One final down (98%!) one more to go.

The justification for having more than one firearm? So you can use them for different things. Pretty simple. You’re not going to go deer hunting with a hand gun. If someone breaks into your home and you want to use a gun for self defense, you’re not going to break out your hunting rifle with a red dot scope. If you