Mari Atari

I'm lucky if I can go more than a week. That's why I stay home much. Good luck to you!

Probably not, but, my sympathies. That must be hard to live with.

Ugh, Columbia. What a bunch of Cocks.

I'm optimistic that you are actually a genius troll and didn't really confuse the two movies and you've pulled the rug over on a bunch of suckers.

I believe you're thinking of Demolition Man there.

Nerdlove 2016: my relationship was ruined by VR.

8-bit spine pulling? Lol.

I don't get how this is supposed to increase sales of either thing. They appeal to totally different demographics. Are grown men expected to buy the Barbie? Are young girls supposed to care about Sports Illustrated?

About ten years ago they did a new sculpt for the body.

Will there be a $10,000 bounty on unretouched pics?