Today I learn that I dress like barbie
Whenever I see a new trailer for Horizon Zero Dawn, I mutter to myself: “please don’t suck.” Based on the 30 minutes…
And your two presidential candidates are shitting on the TPP left and right, am I wrong? I doubt that Chinese would be the international language for work any time soon, but you are missing his point about Chinese being important.
Well, he’s not wrong.
You can get a decent deck after about 20 minutes. Especially if you just go to a couple inns and buy the cards there, you’ll have enough good cards to beat all the gwent players who aren’t “bosses”.
Didn’t Witcher 3 have an easter egg to Cyberpunk 2077? I remember Ciri telling Geralt that she had traveled somewhere where everyone had metal in their heads and had flying vehicles.
Hey, CD Project Red, if you put in a substantial Witcher easter egg in Cyberpunk 2077 then I will scream like a school girl. Then promptly tell everyone to buy it for that alone.
If Cyberpunk manages to build on the systems of Witcher 3, inject proceedings with a hefty dose of gritty future tech, and provide just as much bang for your buck... it may be my favorite game ever.
Don’t you know? Before these games were called FPS games, they were called Halo clones.
Like that time they referred to the latest Unreal Tournament as “By the creators of Gears of War.”
(Really gotta wonder, since GoW runs on the “Unreal Engine”...)
Doom, 1993.
Really, ActionTrip? “Master-Chief Lookalike Marine”? Really?
...when government scientists misinterpret a memo and create sentient corn...
The cutscene that scene is from does give more context though
I don’t know, i have some faith in it. The conversations with Tywin and the comments he made through the series seem to line up. (you’re no son of mine and only because i can’t prove you aren’t my son). There is also the whole “mothers dying during childbirth” thing those 3 have.
Despite the fact we’ve now ‘passed the books’, I found this to be one of the most boring and predictable episodes.
Bombshell? If this was foreshadowed any harder it would be a solar eclipse.
People actually thought he was staying dead? Since reading a Dance with Dragons years ago I never thought he was staying dead or even if he was dead (I liked the Warg Theory). Anyways we can finally put this discussion to bed, yes he’s alive we always knew he was alive, lets move on.