
Great point!

Dante is like a super substitute.
He got subbed in, and he destroyed the entire plan!

Lexa is an old dog!
You can't teach old dog new tricks!!!

I know that. However, it's a perk.
I made other comments before this regarding the show.
I love this show!
And I also love BELLARKE!

Wow. The good is going to suffer for the bad in there.

I know and that scares the shit out of me!

The only thing that worries me now about the Mountain Men, is about the future of their kids and the remaining good people.
What will happen to them after all this?
Are they just going to leave them down there?
Are they going to procreate with the Sky People/Grounders, so that their future generations can finally

That's true.
I liked how Wick dealt with her after. He's going to straighten her for sure.

As much as that kiss was… something else - I liked it, and I'm a Bellarke fan :)
What can I say, girl-on-girl, sign me up anytime!!!

I loved Bellamy's scenes!
I really appreciate what they did with him in this episode. I mean, at first he had help from Raven and Wick to 'disable' the acid fog, then it was all lovey-lovey after that. What I loved was how it all boiled down to his plan. He had saved them; not with any help - well apart from Maya's

Murphy: Tell me… what level of crazy is too much for you… i'm just curious?
Jaha: We need a boat, and a boat appears. This is our destiny.

One of Jaha's disciples: Grounder and a Reaper walks into a bar. Bartender looks to the Grounder and says, 'we don't serve your kind around here'. Reaper gets up and leave.

Rick: "Just because we're good people, doesn't mean we won't kill you. If the five of them aren't back in an hour… I'll put the knife in the base of your skull."

#Bellarke peeps have you seen this? #The100 #Clexa Kiss #BellarkeForever


I was saying earlier that Clarke probably missed her target when she shot Lincoln, or it was a lucky shot, but then it hit me: Clarke knows the human anatomy - having medical background and all. She shot him where she knew the bullet would've passed through. The soft tissues. Quick thinking, right?

Ditto… god damn ditto!!!

Lexa: I feel your anger Clarke.
Clarke: Do me favor - no more lessons.

Abby: “Don’t forget that we’re the good guys.”

Who troubled Jasper?! The dude was like Jason, but with an axe. Nice plan they conjured up too. The 47-n (47 minus n)—yeah, that's what I'm calling them now—finally had a successful retaliation plan.