
I'm reading where I see that a lot of fans are disappointed with the 2nd half of the season 5. I beg to differ. You can't expect that we're going to get nonstop action. The problem I have so far, is the killing of Tyreese; it was meh. I guess what they're saying is that if you aren't willing to kill, you will be

Exactly. It was only when the watches were brought together, to almost occupying the same space, that's when a distortion in space-time occurred. So, I'm saying that probably him being human, he showed signs of some physical deterioration, unlike the watch - which is inanimate - showed none.
That's what I thought

That's what I think.

I believe that body is Cole. In the pilot episode, we learned that 2 same objects cannot occupy the same space and time, right, like the watch? This could explain why Cole was experiencing nosebleed, etc.

The key words here are for the greater good. Abby killed her husband for the greater good; Clarke and Lexa didn't evacuate TonDC for the greater good. She's also a member of the Council that used the kids like a lab rat, to test if Earth was survivable.

I can't believe Sam compared Grimm to BATB?!

Why you said she's not a hypocrite?

Right! :D

Yeah… I thought I was the only one that saw that.

Clarke: Bellamy, you're late! Every 3 hours means every 3 hours!
Bellamy: Are you through?

So true :)

Honestly, what's Bellarke's body count now? :)

Hypocrite Abby!

So true!

Someone mentioned this, now I have to: I'm so glad that I gave this show another shot, after dropping it twice, each time 2 episodes in. This is gradually becoming one of my all time favourite series.

Well said! This show has been getting on my nerves for a while now; I'm about to reach a breaking point.

Supernatural episode this week was very week; I sped it up while watching it with VLC.
The Vampire Diaries now, I usually watch it with my family, but now I watch it alone, so I can speed it up and skip some scenes.

Is it me—or does this series seem to be on a roll?
One great episode after the other!
Might probably be my favourite episode.

It is possible. I mean if you guys notice that this LGBT is slowly being introduced to every series.
