Margog 'The Hammer' Shapiro

We were debating which to go with, they’re both amazing.

Multiplayer mode it is, then.

It explains a lot about Gawker Media, doesn’t it?

I’ve received no less than three speeding tickets because of Sammy Hagar’s pernicious scofflaw song. It would be more, but I moved to NYC and no longer drive. Sammy Hagar not only ruined Van Halen, he ruined my insurance premium.

What I most appreciate about this stance is that the idea isn’t to beat the official announcement, but to keep the conversation going, to a certain extent. And refusing to do so until you feel there is solid ground for it is stand up, in my book. Many other sites and people would have run with the first source and

Fair enough.

This is a great reply, and deserves its own article.

You bring up some good points that are definitely worth discussing. The conversation over “leaks” in gaming journalism is an interesting one, and one we’ve discussed a LOT internally. (I sit next to Stephen, and he and I have conversations about this sort of thing ALL the time.)

The pins are relatively cheap and you can “hold” them. But yeah, the plush ones are pretty darn cute.

Anecdotal responses because I’m an anecdotal person! (Note: these are all just informed guesses.)

Please differentiate “an actual credible real threat” made via social media and one we shouldn’t pay attention to. This is the problem, because you don’t know who the person is, you don’t have context, how the hell do you tell the randomness of people with anonymity gone wild with a credible threat in such a

What I want to know is:

Does it really matter? Credible or not I think it helps to publicize this sort of stuff — both to expose this ugliness and to push sites like Twitter to improve their harassment policies.

Show of hands, who read that as eats his own shit at a first glance?

I honestly didn’t know where you were going or what point you were trying to make. No shade, just a little confusion.

To be fair, even Jezebel has been guilty of similar lapses in taste - remember this article where they mocked the equally horrific murder of an elderly man?…

I grill pizzas a lot, and so far the best trick I’ve found for getting it onto the stone in one piece is to (heavily) cornmeal the peel, then put the stretched -out dough directly onto the peel before you start assembling the pizza. You can give the peel a little shake once the doughs on there just to make sure you've