Margog 'The Hammer' Shapiro

The private sector acts solely in its own interest, nothing more and nothing less. It’s not much of a surprise that Delta would want to get paying customers in more efficiently, just as it’s not much of a surprise that Walmart and Amazon treat their employees like cattle.

Why people mask their humanity to come off as more desireable is beyond me.

I think he’s more getting to the point that the status of “saved” is merely ending up with these machines ending up in the hands of collectors (IE indiviuals with a great deal of wealth). These are not the kinds of things that a normal person could afford.

It’s like collector claiming they “saved” a masterpiece only

I think if you’d read the article, and seen that not only was water leaking in but the owner was 10 days from trashing them, that “saved” is very appropriate.

Edgar Bug was a brilliant performance.

How are things in 1994?

It would actually be an improvement over the current Ross

Secretly a pic of zodiac killer Ted Cruz circa 1969

Yes it is and he has a venereal disease

Is that Matt leBlanc?

For some reason there seem to be a lot of 20-something hipster women who think it doesn’t matter how skinny and delicate a man is, if he wears a full beard he is “rugged.”

There are better STD ads to choose from, c’mon

Rob Ford was also attracted to shiny objects and behaved aggressively.

Tu-crow? Crow-pac?

Because vowels are for pussies (cats).

You mean Notorious B-R-D, because street cred.

Crow Dirty Bastard?

He goes by Notorious B-I-R-D