Margog 'The Hammer' Shapiro

I wonder how many prototypes (and their drivers) are sitting at the bottom of frozen lakes right now?

It won Best Volcano In Show, twice!

Mercury-free sashimi sounds suspiciously inauthentic. I’ll just get the sushi burrito to be safe.

Do the extra buttons on the controller hide speakers or something? Otherwise this is amazing.

There are few activities more American than some good ol’ fashioned pearl-clutching.

I was once on a flight from Winnipeg to Vancouver, sitting in the window seat, when a very large guy sat down next to me, taking up both the aisle and the middle seat. I’m a small guy; short and scrawny. Even though he was sitting as close to the aisle as possible, his body was still pressing me against the window. I

That probably has more to do with his undiagnosed autism-spectrum disorder than his physical strength.

This project has gotten a lot of (deserved) attention, and Bethesda is notoriously litigious right? So has Bethesda given these folks any flak for remaking a title from their most popular franchise? Handling Bethesda’s intellectual property without their explicit concent must be like walking on egg shells.

Well that all depends on what you’re cheating at.

You have a habit of deliberately misinterpreting what other people have said in order to argue against a weaker point.

You have a habit of deliberately misinterpreting what other people have said in order to argue against a weaker point.

I didn’t say that piracy is okay, and you’re pretty obviously not trying to meet me in the middle. What I said is that piracy should be expected in the context of poverty. The topic is more nuanced than you want to admit. Ethical ambiguity exists. I promise.

But you can stare out your window or draw pictures, or read a book.

Illegaly downloading a game is not comparable to the theft of a $300,000 luxury vehicle. Not even close. What planet are you from?

Your privilege is that you’ve never had to personally grapple with the logistics of poverty. This line proves it:

PCs and ISPs are nearly universally required to keep kids in school, and adults in university. They provide access to government info, news, and other vital information. TV was the new radio, and PCs are the new TV. Poor families often scrape together what they can to buy one.

You just described my situation (see my post below). Shelling out $70-$80 for a new game is a big deal for someone living below the poverty line. When I pirate a game, I’m doing so with the intention of purchasing it if it doesn’t suck. If it does, I uninstall it and move on. I can’t afford to buy broken, unfinished,

The two points you made that I can identify with are:

Seriously? It’s an article about Pornhub uploads. It says so in the headline. Exercise some common sense.