Margog 'The Hammer' Shapiro

The authors around here seem to each have their own journalistic territory. Sex in gaming seems to have become part of Patricia’s, among Fallout, Pokemon, and others. Pretty straight forward Gawker Media stuff.

So I can ask if Serana would like to be treated like a “dirty slut”, but she won’t return the favour?

... and the sky is obviously blue.

My point is that the “You obviously don’t have kids.” line is tedious. You’re right, of course, that this guy clearly doesn’t have kids. But what’s your point? There are plenty of people who have chosen not to breed, and it’s not their responsibility to tailor all of their conversations to parents.

You should see the angry letter he wrote to Thermos.

I firmly believe that we only have one chance at life, and that hell doesn’t exist. I vote we make this swatter’s life akin to hell on Earth.

“...after speaking with Rep. Clark it became clear it was a hoax and everyone went home.”

Figure 1. A man discomforted by wealth.

“I think I’d rather come from “poor” to “rich” than vice versa. Who knows if the uncomfortableness(?) will ever subside, but I like to think it keeps us grounded.”

Obviously you chose to breed.

“But the cruel joke life played on me for all those years is over, which also means the fun is over. The new money I’m making makes me happy, but it also means I have no more excuses for coming up short or not having enough money to live properly.”

Being poor is hard, but so is having money! My wealth-insecurity deserves your attention!

Yes! Gottfried would make a perfect Brock. Maybe it’s just the eyes.

It’s like that gif is broadcasting cheesy guitar riffs directly to my brain.

Gottfried is hilarious, but he’s missing that totally deranged, out-of-touch, old man thing that Danny Devito nails. Have you seen this rant about a box of watches and human teeth that was passed on to him by his father? Deliciously incoherent.

Can we please just eliminate salaries for grown adults who want to play games for a living? If we offer them, and the people who dance beside them, minimum wage they’ll still be walking away with way more than they deserve.

Nono, you’re mistaken; it’s not that they should be paid in experience. It’s that they are supposed to be grateful to be paid at all, and the same goes for wealthy professional athletes who might deign to let them be glorified prostitutes if they’re especially good at cheerleading. After all these are adults playing

So be useful or else?

There has to be more to the identity of Jewish people and African Americans than the holocaust and slavery, right? These topics haven’t just become meal-tickets for hacky authors and screen-writers, right? They still deserve my attention, but sometimes it’s hard to remember.