bury me at makeout creek

I didn’t even notice that. I could’ve probably found a better video if I had.

Replay was used to DQ a team for this perfectly legitimate looking handoff at the World Relays the other day.

It’s a word they picked up at home and are using without knowledge of how truly hurtful it can be. It’s a shame, but it’s just a toddler, which means that even the weakest of adults should be able to pick it up by it’s chubby little michelin man legs and hurl it’s racist ass into the air and straight to hell.

Now now, that should be (in the spirit of Dead letters) “I’m sukc xtremely Hard and a poles Of Sh**t”

Did the .gif not load on your screen, or something? Because that thing is real weird and super suggestive all by itself, without anyone being horny.

They are on a date at the Red Lobster!

“Where’s Andre???”

I remember a long time ago several of the designers actually making their models cry because they were plus sized. If you can’t dress a plus size woman, then you shouldn’t be a designer- that’s on you. Also, Siriano is the best thing to come out of Project Runway- (ok aside from Tin Gunn and Santinos hilarious

The funny thing is, if a black person works their ass off to get into a school, racists will yell about affirmative action. MEANWHILE.........

Oh my god, Jezspin is back! Yes! 

I mean in his defense, I wouldn't wanna be a Bill. It's lonely, sitting up there on Capitol Hill.

something came back with him

Seriously, Magary has been spitting straight fire after whatever happened to him, and I, for one, am here for it.

A Magary is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he gets out of intensive care.

He was Drew the Gray. After his battle with (the Balrog? for all we know) we believed him gone forever, but he has returned as Drew the White to help us destroy Sauron.

But also the most spot-on.

a site for boys who wanna grow up to be Donald Trump Jr.

Mine was “Eleanor is about to become very interested in the Jags.”

Donkey Doug’s got competition

Little-known fact: Nick Foles’ penis doubles-back and loops around and ends up looking something like the cursive English name “Jeremy Bearimy”.