Nah, fuck terfs. Anti-trans hate is anti-trans hate no matter what mask you put on when you do it.
Nah, fuck terfs. Anti-trans hate is anti-trans hate no matter what mask you put on when you do it.
How is this even remotely relevant? They have the same arguments as every anti-trans bigot. The conservative men that are anti-trans will also claim they are doing it to protect women and children. They have the same motivating politics, which is that they hate trans people.
to be honest, Bartolo looks pretty good in a Padres uni
Shit, by headline alone I was sure this had something to do with Florida.
Hitchcock and Scully from “Brooklyn 99", before and after discovering hot wings.
and hot wings
Rob Ryan looks like if that cartoon mucus monster on the Mucinex commercials became human and discovered whiskey.
Jared is still waiting for his pubes to come in
His hate shit was one thing, but to deny that a Charmander can become a Charizard if it trains really hard is just wrong.
“Head of the family” sounds like a joke but it really isn’t.
The really galling bit of this is that this is the same man who likely called in debts and absolutely strangled debtors (in the financial/legal sense—I somehow doubt he’d be capable of the literal, given those hands) who were even a day or two late on payments.
Dude styled himself “the king of debt,” not because he had…
Pfft, boring. Let me know when there’s gonna be a good fight:
If you expose an Eevee to a Lunch Stone before noon you get Soupéon. After noon, you get Sandwichéon.
I was completely obsessed with Gossip Girl in high school and it drives me crazy that Blake has had the best career post-show out of the cast. Leighton Meester is way more talented.
Adblock plus does that. It’s how they force you to whitelist.
Cheers to Lauren and Laura for 1. calling this asshole out and 2. being able to publicly laugh it off.
TOUCHDOWN! C’mere, big boy!
I don’t know what to tell you man. Sometimes you have a bag of meat and you just want to eat it.
You are a better man than me if you’ve never just eaten cold cuts straight from the bag.