You know what guys and I would bet a dollar on this, I think Elon Musk is a crab person. I just have a hunch people.
You know what guys and I would bet a dollar on this, I think Elon Musk is a crab person. I just have a hunch people.
The AirLair concept is cool, but Americans are so fat and out of shape. How would most passengers get in the top row?
Editor’s note: Lucky Peach was a magical food magazine that existed from 2011 to 2017. It was beloved by readers,…
Luis Suarez is worse-looking than Luka, imo. Best answer I can think of for another sport is Anthony Davis
I think it would be a fine take if it weren’t so transparently cyborg-ass Mitt Romney grasping for the thing to say that would most make him seem like A Regular Red-Blooded American Male. There’s zero chance it’s actually true.
Ignorace was Liberace’s dim-witted younger brother.
A Police Lineup
I definitely thought it was cool kid talk for farting.
YESSSSSSS more Diana Moskovitz pieces over here on Jezebel pleeeeease
Whoa, settle down there tiger. Not sure how you got that from my comment. Where someone lives or where they’re from has nothing to do with if I like them or not. And I certainly don’t feel like I get to decide who deserves what. I’d like to be able to decide that racist shit heels get nothing and never get to enjoy…
That’s not gonna sit well with a lot of his Tennessee fanbase.
Probably just the ghost of an unvaccinated child.
Have you seen Canadian hockey fans? Those fuckers will gouge out your eyes.
Could the Raptors flip him?
Grandma takes are the best. My grandma is 96, and while she doesn’t watch basketball, she has baseball takes galore. For her 90th birthday I took her to a game at AT&T Park because she loves the Giants and had never been. All she did was complain that it wasn’t as nice as when she used to watch football at Kezar…
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — Iris Clawson, who turns 85 this year, loves at least three things in life: puzzles, westerns,…
Nancy Pelosi will step up and force that fucker Crowley to step aside because she’s smart enough to realize how bad this looks after the Bernie/DNC fiasco.
Especially after I read some of the other comments in the greys. . .
That was a beautiful and heartbreaking article, Ms. Meyers. I really appreciate your commitment to showing the human costs of elite sports.