Justin Bieber’s mustache makes him look like someone’s deadbeat dad in 1982.
Justin Bieber’s mustache makes him look like someone’s deadbeat dad in 1982.
Spanish names are interesting for us. Another example is “Jose Maria” (for a man) or “Maria Jose” for a woman. These are less common these days but I met several when I spent a lot time I Spain a couple of decades ago. You would never think of saying “Maria” for the man or “Jose” for the woman. They also mash those…
It’s crazy because the right is always screaming about paid protesters and crisis actors but they look like half the cast of a 90's straight-to-video z-grade action movie.
If you got leprechauns in space, these are the people you call.
The only thing more England than being England immediately is tricking people into thinking you might not be England and then being England
To be a fraud, you had to have come into the tournament with even a sliver of expectations. Since Japan didn’t have that, they are good.
♫ Shigella! Shigella!
Octopii are one of the most intelligent creatures on the planet and are actually required to be put under anesthesia if a procedure is needed to be done on them, because they are believed to have an understanding of what is happening to them. If kept in captivity, they need to be in specialized tanks because they…
For whom the tako bell tolls...
Before I watched the video, I thought you were joking.
The best part is when she fell through the ceiling.
I’m going to be pissed if he comes out of the cave, sees his shadow, and gives us six more weeks of LeBronWatch.
It has very much negatively impacted my day! Cheers!
“When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried Ariana Grande.”
“these English fans went to a pub in Stalingrad”
The Trump administration’s policy of separating immigrant children from their families has been credited primarily…
Ashley Feinberg reviews movies:
actually, the review is Digimon
actually, the review is good
Those quotes read like the trial transcript of someone facing charges for being found nude in a Taco Bell at 3am.