
feeling [emphasis: mine] another’s pain—causes us to focus on anecdotes, favor individuals similar to us, and harbor other irrational and dangerous biases.

Frontline is a really good show. They do really good work. Their show on McCain’s presidential run and how he had to go to the RNC to beg for money was enlightening. He started out well running and a, basically, center right, then ran out of money. He had to grovel to the RNC for money and they forced him to accept

I can only imagine the uproar that would occur if Blacks and Hispanics owned guns at the same rates as white people.

How to solve the gun problem:

As a gun owner, I’m for moderate gun control. The baseline should be to control guns like we do cars—licenses that require renewal and mandatory insurance. I think this would solve a significant amount of mass shootings.

Clearly advanced tactical prayer and armor-piercing condolences are needed, but the liberals won’t let honest Americans own them.

This is exactly my thinking. They didn’t realize how full of shit supposed evangelical Republican voters are. I think they thought it may cost them votes but as we’ve seen, nope. Evangelical voters will support a child molester as long as they’re a Republican.

Thank you for your kind words. These are deeply appreciated; more than you can know. That was not a pleasant time, and I’m sending you virtual hugs by the dozen.

Anyone else stuck in this weird spot where you’re generally happy/hopeful about the direction your own life specifically is headed, but the state of the world and the direction its heading constantly drags you down, so you want to just completely ignore and shut out the news, but you feel an obligation to keep

Weird. We should be happy with all of the winning we keep hearing about.

I’m still hoping there’s a brave, self-sacrificing Secret Service patriot just waiting for the right moment to strike.

On the most recent episode of Pod Save America they discussed how the White House feels it *must* defend abusers at all costs (unless the abuser is a Democrat, of course), because to do otherwise leads to the implication that Trump is wrong as well, as he is also an abuser. They’ve backed themselves into a corner,

Unlike the seven presidents who came before him, Donald Trump does not read

I hope that Ross is just faking this “friendship” with her to get her to spill that T. You know, the whole thing about keeping your enemies closer. Next step: get her drunk enough to talk like crazy in national TV and give something up that can be used by daddy Mueller.

I desperately want someone to heckle him and for him to have a complete freaking meltdown over it.

Good on all of them. I won’t be watching it either, although I’ll probably tune into the 538 live-tweet of it just in case he does something super crazy.

Neil Portnow: “Yeah. It’s not our problem you aren’t good enough. Try harder. Smile a little!”

there is never an acceptable time to wear sunglasses indoors

What I don’t understand is why the protected Nassar? What did they have to gain? There were probably hundreds of great doctors who would give their left arm to say they were “the official team doctor of U.S Gymnastics”, so why did he get so much protection? I see why a school would protect a football or basketball

Good on you Mattie! Sometimes, the professionalism displayed in the courts by these girls hides the true feelings they have. Dropping that F bomb on national TV in front of this piece of shit is exactly what should have been said. God willing he pulls an aaron hernandez quickly so we don’t have to pay for his meals.