
Stay strong. It took almost 2 years to bring down Nixon.

His college roommate apparently saw his father hitting him in college (for drinking alcohol and not wearing a suit to a baseball game).

I agree. I think they have had an arrangement for a long time. It’s possible to be non monogamous and still have deeply loving relationship(s). It’s always seemed to me that the embarrassment was the worst part of it, for both of them. And it was, as they say, a different time. Now, the bar is so low that essentially

Imagine the pre-nup for this marriage.

And they have separate residences in the WH. Speaks volumes, IMO.

Hi, dear. I actually redacted my comment since DG’s response was far superior in terms of advancing us to an inspirational future.

I am not a troll, I am a trying to demand answers or make excuses, what I want to know, is why, referencing #2 - she didn’t just leave? If it was bad sex, bad date, you leave. I’ve left bad dates, I’ve stopped bad sex. If someone keeps repeatedly trying to reengage in sex I dont want, I leave. She should have left. He

Usually carved out of wood, you’ll see love spoons on the walls of most married couples in central and northern Wales; it’s not quite as common in Cardiff where some of the traditionalism (and adoption of Welsh as a second language) isn’t as common. I’m also guessing that Harry will get a ring from the Royals’ small

My mother met her several times when she was living in Paris, maintaining that (and I quote) “that woman’s stupidity is flabbergasting, and she’s an awful person”.

So, anyone excited for those Fake News Awards which are totally happening and not the insane ramblings of an egotist 5 seconds away from a caffeine and Bovine Growth Hormone induced heart attack?

I get the sense that -most- people pull an immediate “TL;DR” in their rush to correct what they perceive to be an author’s take if that author uses more than two paragraphs to make a point.

I’m with you on this one. Flake’s not a hypocrite for what he said; he’s a hypocrite because he has voted to renew policies that

It makes me nuts when Flake, McCain, Graham, etc. get shirty about Dump’s constant shit tornadoes when he’s only the embodiment of everything they believe. Don’t like what you see in the mirror, assholes? Too bad. Just admit you’re jealous that this wad of mucus didn’t have to do the forty year song and dance

Liz, her activism for the HIV/AIDS community, and her famous jewelry are forever.

This seems obvious even *without* accounting for the sexual abuse that took place at the ranch. I mean, I don’t follow gymnastics in the slightest, and even I know that the Karolyis are abusive shitbags that needed to be kicked to the curb twenty years ago.

100% agree with all this. This is no different than Penn State and Sandusky, yet it’s not getting remotely as much press and therefore not as much public pressure for justice. Sadly, I think it’s because the victims were all female.

I’ve hiked in Sam Houston National Forest near the Karolyi Ranch several times, and even though it’s only about an hour outside of Houston, it feels like it’s in the middle of nowhere. I can’t imagine how isolated these poor girls must have felt there, completely shut off from everyone and everything, including

This systematic abuse was enabled by the administrating authorities of USA gymnastics and what’s happening to them? Besides that they (USA gymnastics) are pressuring underage girls into signing NDA’s for money. I don’t give two flying fucks that they received money. The fact that you can silence children, who are

Yvette Nicole Brown’s print gown is breathtaking and looks perfect on her body (floor length can be hard for us short people.) Does anyone know who made it?

You just have to spread a little peanut butter on the roof of his mouth so he looks like he’s making words. Then you dub in clips from earlier ramblings.

Nah, they had to promise he’d get three scoops of ice cream instead of his regular two.