
Sharon Stone is a gift we don’t deserve. That cozy sweater, on the other hand, is a gift I do deserve.

Home-schooling parents have lobbied for decades at this point to have restricitons on them as loose as possible. Some treat their kids well and provide a healthy learning environment. Some don’t bother to teach their kids at all or do worse like these people did. The state doesn’t have enough resources anyway to keep

Records show that David Allen Turpin had received state approval to operate a private school out of his home

Don’t give them any ideas...

You’re fine. Or at least you should be. People have been trying to bully you off the site for years because you call trolls out on their bullshit. You’re well informed and help bring a non-US perspective to the comments. But because people are trying to derail two obvious male trolls the ones who irrationally hate you

Already there, in my case.

I think Manning will end up becoming one of those people in the LGBT+ community where we’re just going “please, stop trying to represent us” at this rate.

“That video said absolutely nothing about what she’ll actually do for the people she now wants to represent” Because she knows nothing about them.

“I don’t really want her near national security documents.”

She leaked heaps of important classified info that contained nothing that could be considered “whistleblowing” because she was mad she was disciplined for persistent tardiness. “Courage.”

“Mr. President, when do you think you’ll meet with Special Council Meuller about the Russia invetsigation?”

$5 says Trump is pushing this himself. His smokescreen machine has been pumping overtime ever since the news broke that Mueller was seeking an interview. I expect even more ridiculous BS this year compared to last right up until the fucker gets the hook...

Trumps supporters do not care that he’s a serial adulterer; there was already plenty of evidence that people chose to ignore on voting day. I can’t say I blame her at all for taking a payout.


Speaking as someone who is no longer young, I’d like to point out there are a lot of patriarchy enablers rising up in the 20-30 something age category. It has a lot more to do with privilege than age.

And what certain age is that? I saw Gloria Steinem speak on cspan and she said, “women become more feminist as they age as they lose power over men and they start noticing how men get paid more and do less around the house.” I am a man, but it seems to me that if it ever makes sense for a woman to be “complicit with


Something tells me the Palins reach for a gun when they notice a spider in the house.

I heard it somewhere on Jez that he joined the military because he was given a choice by a judge, either military or jail time. :/ It wasn’t escapism or anything noble, it was just trying not to go to jail for dangerous vandalism. (Can someone remind me, was he puncturing schoolbus tires or something like that...?)