
“but god damn what will the breaking point be?” I think the GOP and the wealthy have been pretty clear on what it’s going to take. The American people are just far too complacent to step up to the plate. 

He signed the tax bill for Republicans and I was hoping to see some display of integrity now that the rich are being made richer.

If the modern GOP had a shred of integrity to display, the last 27+ years would look very, very different.

I was hoping to see some display of integrity now that the rich are being made richer.

Oh please don’t ask that. I really don’t want to find out.

The interest in, and importance of, these awards is far greater than anyone could have anticipated!

Redacting my comment: other people said it better. My bad!

I keep getting called “feisty” like what the fuck bro all I did was clearly say “no thanks I’m not interested.”

There’s a Jezzie that makes that type of cross stitch, she’s usually on the SNS!

You rule. You rule, you rule, you rule!

I’d rather they handle it thusly:

I live in SC. Linds must have a major Kompromat on him in order to flip so severely from ‘meh’ to ‘I’m a golfing buddy’ to someone who’ll stand behind the Orange Menace no matter the level of ‘fake news,’ much less join Conspiracy-Fueled-Sentient-Corn-Stalk Assley in an adventure of “I’m the dumbest fucking Senior

I went pompadour/pixie and I’m not going back. It makes me feel aggressively feminist in the best kind of way.

I’ve learned to embrace the medium, only because me being direct has resulted in being spat on and a coke being dumped on me. I wasn’t even that bitchy, they approached and I just said “leave me alone” straight up.

I love being bitchy. In fact, I kind of wish I were more petite and conventionally attractive, so that more men would approach me in public, so that I could then yell at them. But alas, they tend to keep a wide berth.

You rule!

Yes, I agree. But we were talking about parallel universes. In my parallel universe, she chose to run and won by a landslide.

I had a similar revelation on an airplane today! I was sitting next to some mid-50s ish guy who kept smiling and nodding. That’s fine, I gave him a polite smile and nod back like I would to anyone. As the flight went on, I was watching “Spotlight” on the back of the seat. I paused it to take a trip to the ladies, and

I wish I was a fly on the wall at that meeting, I really do. You sound GLORIOUS.

But also...are we really truly even being bitchy? We just don’t want to suffer fools.