
I have fully embraced bitchiness. It’s my baseline naturally, but recently I realized that I’ve been overcorrecting for some time. I kept getting engaged with and, like, caught up in fucking weird ass conversations with weird ass people... which honestly I’m not used to because I can apparently be intimidating? Thus

I am so tired. I feel like I’ve been shouting into the void for years that a lot of these cultural touchstones for cool, hip youth (Vice, American Apparel, etc) are the same old toxic and misogynistic tropes wrapped up in a new aesthetic. I’m tired of women’s bodies being commodified and used to reinforce the money

Yesterday, it was George Will, Peggy Noonan, and Corey Lewandowski.

If Billy Bush were a peer or friend of Trump’s and was egging him on like that, I’d agree he was a complicit asshole. But he was subordinate to both Trump and his NBC bosses (for whom Trump had the #1 show on TV), so Bush really wasn’t empowered do the right thing without fearing for his job.

Look, some women can be the most ardent supporters of an oppressive patriarchal system. Pam has survived in spite of/by virtue of her physical attributes all her life and can’t see the forest for the trees.

Joe Scarborough. That Guy in every women’s studies class who has to interrupt and say some version of, “If more women used birth control, the abortion rate would go down!” over and over again.

If they can pull our dating history in rape trials, we should use theirs, too. How many exes does it take to confirm he’s a weirdo...

I was friends with a girl who had dated David Blaine. The only thing I ever heard about it was that he was an annoying creep who wouldn’t leave her alone. So this tracks.

And even worse for black women, hence the stereotype of the “angry loud black woman.” It’s the no win situation every woman faces but amplified by preconceived ideas of blackness. At work, if I strategize by being polite and purposely agreeable in meetings, I’m criticized for not being assertive enough. If I speak up

By the time Miramax had traction, Tom Hanks was unstoppable and would never need to work with Harvey if he did not wish to do so.
I also distinctly remember Pulp Fiction being the awards hopeful the same year that Forrest Gump’s straightforward sentimentality inexplicably (fine, explicably but perhaps not justly)

I find it very interesting that he never worked with HW, considering what a huge star he is. I wonder if he knew (probably) what a pig Harvey was/is and refused?

I have been commenting on Jezebel for 6+ years. Reading it from the beginning. Am Feminist. Am woman. Say stuff I think helps. Because I am GMT+8 I often miss the “peak comment” times and can’t participate as much as I would like. Yep. Still perpetually grey and unloved :D.

This is unfortunately too true. I recall as young undergraduate how commonplace it was for classmates who were self-proclaimed proudly feminist men to snap back immediately on a particular woman when she ultimately rejected them—and suddenly it was an endless tirade of misogynistic caricatures spewing forth. As though

Thank goodness I don’t get terrible periods anymore. For about a fifteen year stretch, the pain from cramps in my belly and also legs was horrible and made me sick to my stomach, not to mention the constipation/diarrhea that added to the misery.

Hey, once they’re emerge from the Jesus sponsored holy womb of lady parts, those little moochers are on their own.

I said it elsewhere, but I really didn’t think it was possible to get a mired deceitful, disingenuous propagandists than Spicer or Scaramucci, but here we are- stuck with this dead-eyed church bitch. There really is no bottom with these people.

it’s Ronald Reagan all over again, except this time he doesn’t have a competent team guiding him.

My family has similar stories about Aaron Rodgers— without going into detail, he has done some absolutely amazing acts of kindness for random people in Green Bay, and probably other places too, and his only request is to receive no publicity. I would hope that is how I would spend my wealth, if I had any.

It’s amazing to read this comment after the nasty thread above. Thanks for posting it - a good reminder that there isn’t just a single narrative about anyone.

My husband swears Cameron Diaz is the world’s biggest ass. He met her when he was serving in the British Army years ago, on a deployment to South America, and for some reason, she wound up stranded near their base (can’t remember the details off the top of my head) and requested to borrow a helicopter to get back to