

I, too, hope things return to normal, hidden racism.

“Trust me. Do you know why he challenged you to a duel? ‘Cause you could beat the s— out of him.”

As someone who gets upwards of 100 emails a day at work, let me just say...

This whole time I’ve genuinely thought that the Russia thing was being blown way out of proportion, and even all the new revelations have appeared to show more that Trump desperately wants Russia to like him, and with his obviously poor judgment he is so fucking dumb he refuses to accept that anyone could view what he

I caught the rape reference but I was in high school before I realized that Atticus was accusing her father of incest.

Don’t forget about all the carcinogens in charred meat. As far as I’m concerned he can eat it as much as he wants!

When I first saw Dirty Dancing, I was too young to even know what abortion was, so when Gerry (or Jerry?) Orbach said you cut up your girlfriend! I assumed Patrick Swayze had murdered and literally chopped up his girlfriend. I was a very literal minded child.

I, for one, would take lamb and rice any day of the week. Especially over charcoalized steak and red high fructose corn syrup.

I don’t know, I feel like we keep saying that about various Republicans and it keeps not being true.

“I didn’t want to have tears in my eyes because people would swear I was crying because of the new president.”

Now, now, they don’t say they’re *successful* at talking him out of crazy shit, they just say they try.

What do you mean? I have dry curly white hair and I’ve been using Shea Moisture for years. It makes it so much more manageable.

Because all white women have stringy straight hair? Mine is very thick, very curly, to the point of being kinky certain days. If you want an answer to your question from this particular white woman (of swedish, german, and scottish descent), my hair will drink in whatever moisture i give it and thank me.

Well, I’m white and I have to moisturized my hair: coconut oil, Shea, whatever I can find in the “Ethnic Hair Section” (that shouldn’t have to be in a little, tiny space) because I don’t have “good hair.”

As a fellow pale, my mom probably would have forced me to wear this as a child had it existed. She made me wear t-shirts on the beach until I was like 12. Then I got a blistering sunburn and she went out and bought me an SPF 50 rash guard.

Same. We learned math, science, and religion all in the same school. There was never a need for creationism to devalue any other course.

I honestly can’t see him making it 4 years. His blood pressure alone will do him in.

Let us all remember that Simmons’ Book of Basketball would have done enough to justify its existence solely by providing the footnote in which an NBA source offers the following explanation of why Oakley was so specifically feared [probably a slight paraphrase]:

Lately I find that I’m angry all the time. To the point that I forget why and I stop and wonder what I’m angry about. And then I remember that president trump is destroying america/our democracy and all of our lives.