
My brother moved in with me for about a year and he had a large dog, I felt much better. Now I moved to the burbs and live with my partner so I feel much much safer. So ladies, all you need to do to feel safe is to live with a man/large dog/get a raise and move to an affluent neighborhood. Easy as pie, right?

It's giving the people a little respect, and also respecting the laws. Mass graves are illegal, so it is killing two birds with one stone.

Hey there! I am a JMU alum and have started a group JMU Alumni Against Sexual Assault (JAASA) to come together to take action. Find us on Facebook and please join the conversation! We are trying to organize a large letter campaign as well as a donation boycott and get large donors behind us because that is where you

Can you post his email here, or is that against the rules?

That you for actually DOING something and not just complaining about it online. I hope more JMU students follow your lead.

I went to JMU, & I just have to say that there aren't nearly enough VA "good ol' boys" at this school. Seemed to me that everybody that went there was from practically every state except VA...or, if they were from VA they were from Northern VA—which is basically DC.

I graduated from there in 1995. I can assure you they have a very long history of blindness when it comes to sexual assault and rape. It was pretty much common knowledge that the University would barely even investigate these "incidents." I remember, as a freshman, a woman was raped on campus and the rapist's

I know some alums who refused to donate money after the end of the year riot a few years ago. I donate money to my old department, which I'm going to guess doesn't have a lot of frat bros in it, but still, I really want to withold any more donations until real punishment is meted out.

I am now officially disgusted with my alma mater. And just when I was pleased when JMU didn't make the Dept. of Education list. Fuck!

what's worse is these guys have no REASON to go back to campus. Their frat house is off campus and they can do their partying and sexual assaulting there. At least two (but possibly all 3) of the attackers were members of sigma chi at JMU. They weren't named in this recap or the HufPo article but they were named here:

I think it's time the government seriously consider revoking our Second Amendment rights because these motherfuckers don't deserve it.

Ok Mark. Between this and the toddler left in the car story, I expect no less than 5 additional happy fun-time pet stories of kittens detecting cancer in a kid or baby goats becoming best friends with puppies then all of them becoming best friends with baby hedgehogs.

Unlike Paltrow and her pretend "easiness" about life!

Kerrygold is my lord and savior returned in butter form.

"There is a brand called Kerrygold..."

Holy fuckballs, I think my right eye actually popped out of my head when I read that.

Yeah, my Spanish is marginal at best. Years ago, I overheard a (caucasian) bartender that I barely knew telling the kitchen staff in Spanish that I was his girlfriend. I was livid, as we did NOT have that relationship. He pulled me aside and said he was protecting me- that I had no idea what they were

I am a gringo who speaks Spanish and the shit some of the BOH guys say gets so fucking old - to men and women alike. This one guy was always going on about faggots and suck my dick and la verga in Spanish. The guy got super pissed when I finally was like - dude, just come out of the closet already. This was after like

Yeah, same here. Granted I've heard he's kinda nice, but I can quite believe it. it's cause he's too pretty. May also be cause of all the terrible encounters I've had with pretty boys.

In my early 30s, I was a regular customer at a dive bar (hard drinking, near the airport) and this old (in his 60s) rich guy used to stay a lot on business.