
All I really need is Cristiano. With a shirt, without a shirt, playing, posing...I will take every version there is.

Looks like these lists have inexplicably misplaced the hottiest hottie in the World Cup (hint: he ain't even on the field). Thierry Henry and his trusty cardigan have been working that BBC commentary like DAMN.

Love it! I wish I spoke Spanish well enough to do that...

Isn't it the worst how witty comebacks so rarely work in real life? I feel betrayed by books and movies; of COURSE they always work there =[ I hate that guy for you.

Same here! I put up with so much bullshit from strange men in my late teens and early 20s just because I was young, naive and not nearly as good at asserting myself as I am now. Which is probably why these creepy assholes targeted me in the first place.

One time, I had gotten off work and was eating at a table in the bar. I noticed this guy who was sitting at the bar was staring at me (he was in his 40s.) I ignored it until he got up to leave. He came by my table and placed a napkin on it, and walked out, not saying a word.


I don't know but he MUST be in it. Perhaps frantic costume changes and multiple roles. Now I am drooling.

Oooh, yes, with songs about beards! Someone get Harvey Fierstein STAT.

Good, there are so many who miss the value of a good, sarcastic post and take it at face value. Then you have to explain what you meant, while six other people are chiming in about what an asshole you are, and then you have to keep explaining, and the whole process is just bloody exhausting.

I guess you should be thanking your lucky stars that he doesn't punch you in the mouth for being so irritating.

My grandma's father was an unemployed alcoholic that beat the shit out of his wife routinely and her life improved significantly once she got a divorce, even it being way back in a time when divorce was almost unheard of. Guess neither of them got the memo that they should stay together for her own safety. Ugh.

My SO and love to watch these shows together. It's so heartwarming when he leans over and whispers "I love you so much I promise never to kill you in your sleep and then try to dissolve your body in battery acid."

I've figured it out. This is the creeping madness that heralds the awakening of Cthulhu in watery R'lyeh! Rejoice! Soon you will be reduced to gibbering insanities as the priest of the Old Ones arises to retake the world that is rightfully His! Ia! Ia!

As a trial attorney who is in the courtroom practically every weekday, her shirt would be unacceptable in any of the courtrooms I practice in—ESPECIALLY if she was in a court of higher jurisdiction. It would also be unacceptable for a MAN to have bare shoulders as well. Reporter or not, she would have been kicked out.…

He is absolutely stunning in this picture.

Raise your hand if you wish she was your mom or nutty aunt.

My thoughts exactly. Paired next to Chris O'Dowd and WIFE - this Monday sucks.

Daniel Radcliffe has a gf?

It's interesting to me that Australia has a campaign like that, though I suppose that if you put pale people in a sunny environment there's probably more need for one than many other places.