
How I feel reading this;

Scariest. Ever.

He seems to be confusing having 'hateful little minds' with 'the righteous anger we feel as a result of having to deal with your oppressive, violent bullshit on a daily basis'.

Yes, I get Asian flush and am in no way Asian. Apparently it also happens to Irish people.

I had the same question about the stole? I found it . . . distracting. Yes, I just said that a fur stole was the distracting part about that outfit. I need to spend less time on the interwebz.

It's def not attached - I've seen pictures where it's just the dress (she's wearing a body colored thong underneath and the dress looks like it's lined.

YES. I can not say enough, I lost a starred account during kinja 1, lived and died in the grays for MONTHS with my second account, but I would take the grays again over this. And pissing me off is exactly what someone who picks "Elliot Rodger" as their screen name wants. Do not feed those fuckers, do not answer their

Yeah, if Eric's gone, I'm not even finishing out the season. >.<

I thought he was terribly hot as a serial killer in The Fall. My judgment can't be trusted though, as I'm already on record today as having called Petyr Baelish hot.

You guys weren't kidding. I just watched that and that man's grief is so palpable. Jesus.

His strength is inspiring.

I think that Richard Martinez shows a Mahatma-sized soul to even be willing to meet with Peter Rodger. Imagine the emotional maturity of being able to sit down and talk with the father of the man who ended your child's life? For me, it would be very difficult to separate wonderment of how far the apple had fallen

Get rid of as much stuff as possible. You'll have more room and the mess will be a lot less stressful. Invest in some furniture that works for the space you are trying to use, and get some small things like nice rocks glasses that make you feel happy.

I both LOVE this dress and think it's fug- courtesy of Stephanie Seymour in GnR's November Rain:

these luberly ladies, if I do say so! (I've watched enough Big Fat Gypsy Wedding to keep on for days)

Good lord, you're not joking.

I did a quick Google Image Search for "ugly wedding dresses," but Google must have thought I meant AMAZING wedding dresses because this showed up:

Five words - My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding - that is all