
Been there! Just a one night stand but surprisingly similar... :D

A few years ago in college after a night of drinking the sexy-scruffy-reckless-rock band frontman Arts editor at the college newspaper I worked for asked me to give him a ride home and then invited me up for a cigarette. We had been friends for years and I am also kind of oblivious so we smoked and chatted for a

For our mutual birthdays last year, my partner and I got a fancy schmance hotel room (Free! I worked for the company and I got one free stay a year.) for a night, took some amazing molly, and spent the next ten hours boning and prancing around in fancy schmance hotel robes. I had never had sex whilst tripping before,

One final note: to everyone who stopped by this thread simply to jerk off: welcome.

oooh Can I crash that party?

That drinking game could give a person alcohol poisoning.

And she'll open the interview with...

During the 2008 campaign didn't she do an interview with some talk radio wingnut who said she murdered Vince Foster? She gets off on this shit.

He looks like he's gotten a lot of plastic surgery or something, even though I'm pretty certain he hasn't. His face has an unsettling unreal quality to it in still images, but in motion he looks better. (Still not a fan of his face, though.)

Yes, absolutely Kristen Chenowith. There's no one else who'd even come close.

I could see Reese, but I think Chenowith would be amazing - she's got the personality, the acting and vocal chops to spare!

From the depths of whiskey emerge great truths.

Personally, I've found a lot of mommy groups to just be unwelcoming period. Good luck to you, my general advice to people is to get a dog and go to a dog park regularly, but that's hard with kids, depending on the age. And also, you know, you probably shouldn't just get a dog in order to make friends. It just

Awake for SNS! Woo! Just been out to a bar where a ginger haired Irishmen told me that I had 'radiant' teeth, nice hair and looked like Mary Jane from Spider-Man.

I vote for shoving several into a river. Either way, to you and SuperiorSenior, that's really fucked up that there are people doing stupid crap like that for no real reason. Not sure what purpose it serves on their part other than to be asshats.

everybody go home, because I win:

Flloyd. Fucking Flloyd. It was his turn to name the baby, and with two daughters he knew it was his last change to use his favourite name. He wanted it to be a constant reminder of his college days.

Had I been a girl, I'd hve been Lauren. Luckily, I was a boy and named after my grandpa, Jack who died a month after my Irish twin sister Jill was born.

The theme of Kim's bachelorette party was "Boobs." I appreciate her friends' commitment.

Ha, it's like my older grandmothers who always refer to female friends as "girl friends," and I pretend they had lively lesbian adventures before marrying my grandfathers.