
My great-great grandmother immigrated to the US from Ireland. It sounds quite distant, but all the women in my family had children very young so I knew my great grandmother, her daughter, and am still extremely close with her granddaughter, my grandmother. The banshee stories are absolutely prolific, and 100% believed

My response to your story is to think you are silly for thinking that the banshee would hurt you, lol. I have a lot of "issues", apparently.

Not necessarily in the first case; it sounds like they raided the home on suspicion of other violations and then found a bunch of kids who did not apparently belong the to the so-called parents. At that point it became a child welfare case so they had to follow up. But the way this child's parentage was publicly

When I visited the old homestead in Cork (middle of nowhere, no lights, no nuthin'), thank God there was only about 5 hours of dark at night because I was so worked up about the banshee that I wouldn't even look out the windows in the dark. On the day we arrived, we walked back and forth between the houses a couple of

My father is mexican and he's told me a similar story about elves coming to him at night and wanting to play with him. He said that they loved sugar and he could hear them at night trying to get inside the cupboards and eat the sugar. He also had told me stories about these worms called Ninos De La Tierra. I honestly

So when I was barely twenty years old I was travelling with a small group of people through China, and we were spending about two months in Qinghai province, which used to be part of Tibet. Our destinations was a specific town to teach English, but we'd been stopping often in towns and small cities along the way. One

My father had been in the hospital for a few days. Each day he got a little sicker. He kept talking about his life in Dublin as if it were the present. He would say things like, "If I'm going to catch the train I have to cross the Ha'Penny bridge. Can't be late..." The last time I visited him, he was in a coma. He

Ever read/seen the play The Weir? That is one for you!

My Irish family would talk all the time about banshees as being a very real part of a death in the family. The other sign of a banshee's presence around a death was, according to my great-great-aunt, if all the dogs started barking for no reason.

County Kerry, near Killarney. Not quite as rural as County Mayo, that's for sure! That part of the island is stunning, but I'd agree it's the most rural place on the planet.

Oooo where you from? I'm from Kildare but my grandma and granddad were from Mayo, and we used to go to visit the relatives up there every year. Oh my god, it is the most rural place on the planet.

My mother in law and grandmother in law are Filipino and SWEAR they've been visited by elves (called duende) as children, particularly my Lola who is very specific. The look like... all I can say.. European garden gnomes, but smaller. Not Filipino-looking at all.

I can not believe this asshole started with "You're not here to talk about your work..." "You're here today because it's our anniversary." WHAT A DICK. Its more likely that she got asked to be on the show to talk about her work and this asshole decided he would showboat. He could have at least waited until she was

This is old-skool "ethnic" - non-WASP.

Dude... what ethnicity does Katie represent? I'm pretty sure every single one of the approximately 10,000 Katies I've met have been white.

I wanna know where the Katies' are, I know 14 women who go by Katie. This cannot be a huge random outlier. Is it cause Katie is derived from several longer names??? Science and stats, HELP!!!

I just call my dad.. *hangs head in shame*

I have a friend who was never taught to cook, do laundry, or clean. This was because, as he was told by his parents as a child, "When you graduate college, you'll be able to hire people to do those things for you."

Keith Olbermann is a dick, but I did LOL when he would call her the "Half-Term Former Governor of Alaska."

Enough with calling her governor. She had half a god damn term and then quit. And while we're at it, Newt Gingrich hasn't been "Mr. Speaker" since his own party fired him 20 years ago!