
DODAI! Is it possible to have a live thread when the episodes air ?

Holy crap. That guy. What is that guy.

You can actually hear him gasping for air-yuk.

I waffled for a bit on calling it "Mr Potato head wig" but it just didn't have the same flow.

I saw that smackdown, which was satisfying. See, I'm 49, and I remember all of Sununu's pompous, mean BS, back to the '80's. He's a turd.

omg lololololol

I just watched that whole thing and it was awesome. I get really uncomfortable when both parties are clearly ruffled by a disagreement, but Soledad kept her composure perfectly while that guy started smoking at the ears. Love it!

This is the same buffoon that calls the Affordable Care Act "the most insidious law in the history of man." Right. Worse than Jim Crow. Worse than slavery. Worse than rounding up all Japanese. The worst law ever is one that provides access to health care for all Americans and not just rich white male Americans.
I saw

"You sir, have a strange hair style, but you need to stop being a condescending prick."

When I saw this this morning I wanted to yell at my TV. This is not an argument with your wife, buddy. She doesn't care that you think she's pretty. And it's so insulting he thinks she's simple enough to be distracted by that.

Whiskey and 7-up. . . noooooo. Whiskey and ginger ale, on the other hand. . . 2 Gingers (a new Irish whisky based in Minnesota and distilled in Ireland) has a signature drink, the Big Ginger, which is a tall glass of ice with two shots of whiskey topped off with ginger ale and a slice each of lemon and lime. It's

Rum and Coke - your Jr. High school boyfriend that you only ever made out with once at Marci's batmitzvah and was the first person to friend you on facebook and "pokes" you at least once a week.

ALSO A JAMESON ROCKS GIRL. Don't know why. It just happened. It's weird.

Dark beer: The guy that you graduate to once you realize your self-worth. He brings your mom flowers, showers daily, has a stable job, makes friends with your little brother at family events, empties the dishwasher without being asked, always walks to the passenger door if you're both taking your car.

Sangria is the attractive sweet-smelling man you just met at the beach. Who also just roofied you.

Porter shows up to dates on his fixie.

Make her be president please someone please yes thanks.

Exactly. A friend, new to the state, met Perry back in 2002 in a work-related context. He went to his boss and I said, "How did I miss this? The governor of Texas is gay!" Also, if you see Rick and Anita interact with each other, there is zero warmth or connection between them. Circa the 2002 gubernatorial

I think its probably just the typical notion that anyone that angry at gays has some serious self-loathing going on. Personally, I doubt Rick Perry's secretly gay. I think he's just a garden variety shithead.

I think the real problem is that Rick is figuring out he married a woman.