
How dare she speak without her husband's permission. This'll learn her.

Aww, can't whore pills be feminine?? It's just more fitting if they're feminine. Just me? Probably.

this is a duh question. you're married, and you don't want to pop children out and stay at home like you should? what are you, some privileged bitch who thinks she's gonna go "work" all day or something? you just want to have sex with your husband and not even churn out child after child like a good

They don't have to be bright to be criminals, come on Jezebel commenters. I'm baffled by those who say it must be her husband's fault, as if it weren't her who did a bunch of illegal things. They're both morons, and it seems pretty obvious they both did some horrible things. Look, people go to jail for shoplifting $50

Joe Giudice is the living embodiment of the way I feel after eating too much at lunch.

The fuck is this?

I want to blow a raspberry on that round little belly. SO CUTE.

Literally just sighed and smiled at the puppy picture. Thank-you!

Napoleon wasn't short. That was an English lie!

Thank you! All my fb friends were baffled at my concern for the sandwich lady. Her bf is a major dick.

Thank you! The sandwich lady and this story have simultaneously made me feel really sad but also really happy that I'm not them.

I totally said the same thing the other day in the sandwich thread. More women need to know and believe that they deserve better and should expect more out of their prospective and current partners.

Daddy needs his sleeping pill?????????? EWWWWW.

My mother would say: "touches her everywhere, fits her nowhere."

Do you know what else bothers me? The motherfucking tongue thing.

What do you expect when your country has been run by a KGB officer for 13 years?

The other day at work we decided to order pizza. Coworkers got to me last, asked what I wanted on it. BACON was the response. Coworker responded with, "it's a good thing all of us love bacon. what about the people who don't?"

My instant thought was "but you don't rotate a jamon, you just leave it on its jamonera* and keep slicing off from the same area. I guess eventually you rotate?"

I would go to that. I'm 92% sure I'd find someone to love in a crowd of jamon iberico lovers. We'd clearly have the same values.