
With the new trend of naked bridal party shoots, I think the photography sounds a little suspect.

I was totally in love with him too! I was 11 when he was in Platoon and my mom wouldn't let me have a poster of him because I was only allowed pictures of animals on the wall, thus creating my obsession with kittens in hats.

It might be the early Charlie Sheen effect. My 13 year old self fell HARD for those perfect eyebrows and cheek bones in Ferris Bueller (don't think I realized that he was supposed to be strung out).

Sad Jesus : (

I found this picture for a weight loss ad on my Facebook sidebar. I was obssessed with it because I couldn't figure out what they were. Marbles? Eggs? Turns out they are caecilian eggs. I suppose they were suggesting to eat these eggs so that the snake-like amphibians could eat your fat? Turns out, this doesn't work

She (thankfully? or not? I'm so angry after reading her facebook page) has very bad privacy settings on facebook. Here's a sample post:

"Every 15 years or so, a new and individually named generation of Morans or Il-murran (warriors) will be initiated. This involves most boys between 12 and 25, who have reached puberty and are not part of the previous age-set. One rite of passage from boyhood to the status of junior warrior is a painful circumcision

I was a bit turned off by her snooty attitude toward the lamp, myself. But regardless of how unpleasant a correspondent she seems to be (whether they were drunk or not when they ruined her house is irrelevant, really), she's also absolutely right. I'm just astonished at how oblivious these people seemed to be to the

Well, I can see I've been ninja'd here. You said everything I would have.