
The way the tension lifts from my body when I get a woman taxi driver on the way home after work late at night is so tremendous and wonderful, the way the rape anxiety dissipates! It’s so freeing!

RIP Paris on the platte. Where will i smoke cigs indoors with high school kids now, huh?!

When women across this country try to get help after avalanches of death and rape threats online, sometimes even on video, nobody understands the internet, nobody can use a computer. But a Black man uses a gun emoji and a copy emoji next to each other on FB and suddenly they are computer whizzes enforcing the law to

And in an Apple Store. Buying health coverage I assume.

Oh, my god, Arrival GUTTED me. I cried through like half the movie.

You should order Chinese. That’s what the lawyers on TV always do in these situations. Eat it straight out of the carton.

Today is the day that my abusive ex gets married. I thoughttoday is the day that my abusive ex gets married. I thought I was going to have more anxiety than this but I guess I’ve actually come a lot further than I thought I had. So thank you for putting up with me throughout the last two years, because I think I’m

a sausage and kale pizza

Sitting in a movie theater and waiting for the 7:35 showing of “Get Out.” Finally!

Aww, c’mon! He’s a good guy! He was drunk\high\just goofin’! He scored a big deal and was blowin’ off some steam! He gave a homeless guy five bucks once back in college!

No. I will not reward his supporters for destroying the election. Also I don’t like him. Also I am sick of old white men. No.

If you aren’t reading Jenny Trout’s recaps (she’s rewatching the whole series and doing an episode by episode review), you definitely should be. and search for Buffy (they aren’t all tagged). Some of the themes she’s identified:

Also, being a teacher is kind of a selfless low paid profession, so good luck getting men to do it in sufficient numbers.


Women are the best. Everywhere in the world, men are scared of our power.

I am in favor of unions and I support them in principle.

Both teachers and child care providers are two of the most underpaid professions in this country. I get really pissed when people think that teachers are just stand ins for child care providers because even child care providers deserve to be paid 2-3x what they actually make.

Ah, but this is all inside our liberal bubble. What do those poor ignored white men in the Rust Belt think of this? Their perspective is apparently what counts, if I am to believe most of the handwringing I read post-election.

Jezebel has become very meaningful to me, so all my love and support to the writers striking. This is the only place I can stomach reading politics now, and the commenters here are gold. Life would be shit without the women writers of Jezebel. ❤🌸

It's not always about you.