
Yeah, it’s REALLY hard to believe that Georgia’s law-enforcement professionals would conclude that a bunch of traumatized black people just couldn’t be deemed credible witnesses to a white supremacist attack, while allowing the criminal Klansmen to escape without incident.

And yeah she would never walk up to a black person and say those things one-on-one because she’d be chicken, but she sure as hell does it when she is with a gang of like minded people. When she is protected by idiots in confederate flag pickup trucks she can let her true nature come out.

She might as well have pulled the old classic domestic-abuser’s apology of “mistakes were made”.

Seriously— and this guy here was all climbing up on his own personal cross to lament how he’s being unfaaaairly labeled. The Confederate-flag-group-member racist, all proud and flag-waving, objects to being characterized as KKK. “This isn’t me”, he whines. Cry me a fucking river, redneck boy.

yes. thank you. “I would never” - BUT YOU DID. “That’s not me” - YES IT IS. “That’s not him” - AGAIN, YES. “I accept responsibility for what I did, but” - NOPE ON OUT OF HERE WITH THAT BUT, YOU BUTT.

That is what got me when I saw it on the news. “I am so sorry that happened to you.” not, “I am so sorry I was a horrible asshole of a person who did that to you.” She’s not sorry at all for her personal actions. She is just sorry she got caught and punished.

Evil twin?

“No no no, it is loss of respect for the Police” - Jeff Sessions

based on the news coverage above, their defense was that they were driving around as part of a fundraiser, they had POC’s in their caravan, and that people in the party approached them.

See also: total bullshit.

That and they’re claiming their sentences are unfair based on those that made deals. Except that’s the entire incentive in making a deal - you get a lighter sentence and the state doesn’t have to spend time and money trying you.

“I’m so sorry that happened to you” as if it were a fucking act of god. I’m so glad these people are going to jail.

From another article on CNN:

Wait. That was their defense? That they weren’t the ones who threatened the partygoers? Man, fuck y’all. You rolled up six or seven cars deep into a mostly African-American neighborhood with Confederate flags flying from every single vehicle. You purposely went out looking for a fucking conflict, and when you noticed

Also, maybe I’m reading the article incorrectly, but didn’t she actually do the stuff she is saying she would never do?

You do not take an Ambien and then galavant around town, FFS. You take it and get into bed with your phone hidden and the fridge bolted shut. Otherwise you wake up texting your high school boyfriend while gulping downing pints of alfredo sauce.

I guess it’s aesthetics, then. I see those images and feel like its an exhibit at a modern art gallery. Little about it seems like a haven to me. I definitely enjoy the clean lines of the furniture and to an extent the textures at play, and I would do heinous murder for that sofa, but the whole place seems so sterile

yes omg this is a god damn nightmare to me. bodily substances of all kinds would never be removed, never mind all the dust and dirt. imagine how many LEGOS could get lost in there? like walking around in fear of child toy land mines.

It would take my kids under an hour to send that swinging couch through the wall behind it.

So the case of who fucked up some award show envelopes now gets a formal investigation but 45s ties to Russia and his taxes gets nothing.

But if you dropped an earring in that carpet, you’d never see it again. I’d be worried about small pets getting lost in it, too.