Doubtful. I just don’t think he’s capable of “respecting” a woman in a way that isn’t inherently patronizing. Plus I can’t imagine repeatedly threatening to jail someone I liked and respected.
Doubtful. I just don’t think he’s capable of “respecting” a woman in a way that isn’t inherently patronizing. Plus I can’t imagine repeatedly threatening to jail someone I liked and respected.
Yeah and I loved Kate McKinnons take on the intimidation attempt. “Oh no! Mistresses? Bill how could you? How will I ever go on?
Trump is incapable of dealing with a woman his age on a level playing field when she doesn’t work for him, sleep with him, isn’t in a bikini, and is smart and capable. He just has no idea how to deal with her - so he doesn’t. He attacks Bill, who’s a man. Now he can attack Obama. He is attacking AROUND her because he…
There’s one in every family. If your family doesn’t have one, it’s you.
Are we absolutely certain that he knows he’s debating Clinton and not Obama?
This isn’t strategic. This is a narcissist striking back at an enemy (Obama’s remarks must have cut him real deep). Avenging his ego is vastly more important to him than running an effective campaign.
Lil Jon confirmed reports that Donald Trump called him “Uncle Tom”
You do know the difference between the states prosecutor and the feds, right?
Amy Goodman was a national treasure long before her stellar and necessary reporting on this issue. She and her team do excellent journalism, every day.
I can’t wait to wake up and find I was only dreaming about people actively trying to turn the United States into a third-world dictatorship.
President Obama is frequently credited as playing chess where everyone else is playing checkers. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is playing “nuh uh, YOU are, nyahhhhh.”
Jesus, he really does think he’s rubber and everyone else is glue.
Trump will next criticize Clinton’s ill-fitting suits, her inexplicably orange skin, her tendency to loom over people, and her terrible comb-over. “I hear she just reaches out and grabs people by the pussy, is what I hear” reports Trump.
I want to believe that. But I fear the reality is that Trump has just made them all bolder. They will continue to force themselves into the light because they know the media will focus on them.
Yep, this is such a problem with so many on left who thinks that everything will disappear if Trump is not elected. 3 trump fans have been arrested for planning attacks against Somali refugees for after the election, they could have killed around 120 people.
“Just 23 more days, America. Just 23. More. Days.”
She chose not to before then, as well. I think Hillary’s the sort of woman who’s always known how to shade, but who prefers to be forthright because that’s just more her way. It takes a rare piece of shit plus an odd question to incite her to shade.
That was a classic lawyerly smack down; something they live for. Legal bitchery at it’s best.
I have a question: is the opposite of shade a sick burn, as in what the NYT legal team did to Drumpf this week? That was one of the sickest burns in recent memory and I want to know if that’s the opposite of shade because it shines a fiery light on bullshit.