
My hometown FB page is full of that kind of crap. “We didn’t need seatbelts and I lived to adulthood.” Good for you; my three classmates who were thrown out of the car and died on their way home from a 16th birthday party thought they didn’t need them either. “We didn’t need bike helmets.” Tell that to my friend who

The anti-vaccine movement is the epitome of “privilege".

Yeah he no longer accepts insurance and does everything cash only. I'd love for the IRS to check this loser out.

“Occasional” fatality.. ugh... how can this motherfucker not know that not even 100 years ago people were dying in the tens of thousands from diseases, and then suddenly virtually none at all once vaccines were discovered... fucking hell, they make it sound like half only a dozen people died from polio rather than the

It’s so strange to me that after years of having to deal with the anti-science tone of the GOP there are now very educated liberals who have gone down that road as well. None of these people should ever be allowed to argue with a climate change denier based on science. They have forfeited using the “but science”

Christ. He was really “lucky” which is relative. I remember watching him cough and cough and tried to imagine if he were an infant. He had a lot of lung issues as a baby and bout of whooping cough then probably would have killed him.

If I were you I’d sue the summer camp for allowing unvaccinated children.

aw, it’s just a normal part of growing up - I survived it.”

There was a whooping cough outbreak a few years ago in the East Bay, in the Moraga/Lafayette area. Wherever the rich, white and privileged cluster, there shall disease be.

And she may die early still from polio. I’ve known a couple of women that have.

More like 60 years ago. 50 years ago, when I was 15, polio had basically been eradicated in the U. S. due to the mass distribution of the Sabin vaccination by the government. The oral vaccine was administered in sugar cubes on specific dates in places like public schools, and parents couldn’t get their children to the

He should’ve grown up listening to my mom talk about her stay in the hospital in the summer of 1952. The one where she laid in bed all day and cried because she could hear the screams of the children in the polio ward.

My son, who’s vaccinated, got whopping cough at summer camp last year from some siblings with anti-vax idiot parents. He and my daughter missed a week of school and my husband and I had to miss a week of work because we were, for all intents and purposes, quarantined by the department of public health. And we followed

“Dr.” Bob Sears doesn’t care about science. He cares about getting his ego stroked and his pocket lined by the delusional and scared parents who do not know or care about science. He's a shit stain on the underpants of humanity.

My mom remembers when the community pools were shut down because of polio and how several of her classmates died from polio and measles. These anti-vax folks are selfish morons.

Both my parents knew kids that died from diseases we vaccinate against today, but just one generation later it's unheard of because me and my peers were vaccinated. Vaccines really are amazing, but they work so well people don't realise how lucky we are to have them

That is the line that stuck out to me as well. Occasional fatality, no big deal. WTF where did this idiot go to med school.

72%????? Holy shit.

My vaccinated daughter and I sure enjoyed our mild bout of whooping cough a couple years ago, I guess it had nothing to do with the 72% of the kindergartners at her school being unvaccinated.

“I do think vaccines help with the public health and helping prevent the occasional fatality,”