
I gave up trying to understand her garbled nonsense years ago. She's never made sense in interviews.

I've been watching/reading her in interviews for decades. The woman NEVER makes any goddamn sense. She always rambles incoherently. It is at such odds with the precision of her acting talent.

This ensemble, at least from the waist down, is reminiscent of when my water broke and I draped towels between my legs to get to the car and from the car to the hospital. Of course, I looked nothing like that from the waist up...

Not a fan of this purse, but I am forever on the lookout for a cool purse to put all the food, garbage, toys, and diapers.

Also, do you do the dermarolling? What do you have to know?

I think first some sort of peel. I have sun spots, a permant glasses mark on my nose, and some scarring from an awful rash I got while pregnant and therefore couldn’t take the strong shit to get rid of it all the way. Then, I’d love just a liiiiitle Botox for the 11’s. Eventually, I see that my jowels are starting to

It’s from Make Your Own Cosmetics. I just found it on amazon when I queried “seaweed extract”. I just put a little in the Nivea jar every so often because it doesn’t mix in very well- it's like oil and water.. I’m sure I could get out a beaker and bunson burner and do some chemistry to blend it, but it all goes on my

I have had success with Laura mercier foundation. I have red/pink irish skin, and it's dry. That stuff works really well for me.

I’m 40 also, and basically fantasized about splurging on Martha Stewart’s beauty regimen when she described hers. I work from home and am stuck with two tiny kids, so anything seems like a dumb waste to me right now. I religiously use a $10 serum from trader joes, some cheap Nivea cream that I add seaweed extract too,

That is a very specific kind of sadness and since I’ve been in toddler and baby and work-from-home jail for a long time, it's been years since I've felt it. But oh the pathetic pity party you have for yourself when you doff a great makeup and hair that went to waste!!!

You! I can't internet kiss you enough for this rec!!! I have been looking for this! (And by looking, I of course mean waiting around for someone to just tell me where to get affordable hyaluronic acid).

Ulta has some that I think are based on bare minerals, but are much cheaper. I have pale, pink skin and have gotten good results by mixing them. Also, Laura mercier has some good ones too.

This is soooo helpful! Thanks!!!

Such great advice. I’m 40 and have never had anything done and now its hard for me to rein in all the stuff I want to do: Botox for the 11’s, something (botox?) for the saggy eyelids, fillers or ultrasound therapy for my jowels and sagging neck, some sort of laser or chemical peel for my sun damage... What should I do

Yes, creme de la MER is bullshit. I second using Nivea cream, but because creme de la mer has seaweed extract in it, I just bought some seaweed extract online (for about $6 for a little bottle that lasts forever). I add a little bit into my Nivea cream, and it is THE BEST. I would totally put it up against creme de la

That's fantastic! And I'm not making light, but considering that your son licks random objects, I imagine it's a good thing that he's afraid of public restrooms.

How can you be 44-years-old and have had a “long time friendship" with someone who is only now 22?

“The president needs to stay out of such matters as civil rights for Americans, morale of U.S. citizens, and justice for innocent American teenagers of color. It is not his purview. He should allow a mature adult- such as myself, Bristol Palin- to comment on this matter. But first, I need to get drunk at a house party

Kind of off topic, but this seems as good a place any to request a weekly open thread specific to beauty issues. Jezebel doesn't cover it because beauty topics tend to get a little lost in the shuffle and also SOME of us will never get out of the grays over there.

Oh, that’s right. That’s what I meant. I got a keratin treatment over a year ago and want to do it again. It didn’t straighten, but it smoothed out the haggered frazzle frizzies and that’s all I wanted.