Hmmm. I'm trying to do a process of elimination to figure out what Stockard Channing was flaunting, and so far I've narrowed it to temporary tattoos or a man bun...
Hmmm. I'm trying to do a process of elimination to figure out what Stockard Channing was flaunting, and so far I've narrowed it to temporary tattoos or a man bun...
I thought maybe you were saving them to plant vodka watermelons with.
What is the purpose of the seed pocket you carved in it?
And, much like Heningway, anyone who claims to love it must be some sort of insufferable asshole.
I wanna see the asshole who busts out some absinthe and a sugar cube at a Memorial Day bbq.
Are you not a Gen Y? That seemed to be a weird, short-lived designation that only applied to people in a 5-year age span, but I think you're in that age span. Am I rememring that correctly?
Stay far, FAR away from babycenter. It is one big anti-science lunatic pile-on. The main site tries to link to actual pediatrician and ob/gyn advice, but it’s pretty watered-down and weak. Then when you go into the comments to try and ask questions or commiserate, it’s a bunch of anti-science crazies yelling at you…
Can I still be a squad with Lupita if I just wear the same hat and sunglasses? Cuz my boobs would flop right out over the top of this thing, and out the top and bottom of her version. I Could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure you have to at least keep your boobs covered to be in her squad. I love her hat, though.
Hmm. $600 for 10 years sounds very reasonable. (Of course, I’m sure it’s more than that by now).
That was my thought at this tweet beat too! So mysterious... Who called? Was it a wrong number or a fan? Why did she answer a stranger? Why did she have a knife? Did they interact after the initial surprise, or was it just, “Aaaaaaah!” “Aaaaaaaaaaaah!” *click*
I remember lurking on this site during the 2008 elections and how land blasted anyone who criticized Sarah Palin got. “She’s a woman with power, ergo, she’s a feminist, ergo, any criticism of her is anti-feminist”. Before her, it was the same thing with Michelle duggar being held up as a paragon of pro-choice feminism…
That is a perfect lip color.
I am in exact agreement. Eyeliner: fantastic. Bubble gum and pastel Easter lilac eyeshadow up to the brows: nope.
I think I do too. But I also think that if her makeup just omitted all the bubble gum pink eyeshadow up to her brows then I’d love it. Her eyeliner is great. That eyeshadow though, I just can’t get behind. She pulls it off because she is so so pretty, but it’s pretty detracting otherwise.
This is exactly why I am pretty obsessed right now with all things related to lasers, resurfacing, etc. because I generally agree with you that more skin showing and less makeup is more youthful, but I have deep age spots, scars, broken capillaries, etc. all over my face that age me worse than heavy makeup. This is…
Me too. It kinda looks like a robot superhero shooting raysout of her hands.
I mean... if you gave me a couple years’ worth of belly dancing lessons I'd consider it...
Christine Baranski = panache
Look, as long as they’re stretchy enough to be comfortable and the trend continues to be shirts that cover down to my mid-thigh, I’m fine with it.
I have a teeny tiny pea head, so I always have the opposite problem, but have you tried San diego hat company? They make such great sun hats, and while I have no idea if they have extra large sizes, I can tell you that they are almost always too big for me (which isn’t saying much, I guess).