
Seriously. There are a lot of talentless people who are famous only for their gorgeous looks, and I'm not mad about that either. At least this guy seems grateful and can use his looks to make things better for his family.

I was going to mention that exact study! Moral: almost no one ever acknowledges when their success is the direct result of having more to start out with. Bill Gates has acknowledged, but that's about it. So the commenter who responded, "how do you know she doesn't understand her situation exactly as you do?" The

Yeah, I rarely count to 3- it's a last resort- but I never have to get past 1. I think that it's partially because when I started doing it, I made sure that the consequence would only be something I'd follow through on as soon as I got to 3: "we're leaving" or "I'm taking the toy away." But my son is 3. Parenting at


And then the toddler will be like, "oh good. I was hungry anyway."

Be careful, though. You can get an iron overload with prenatal a and that is bad. I don't know that I'd just continually take them when not pregnant.

I'm curious about this too.

But so easy to nurse in, which makes it a more appealing post-baby option.

The post-baby loose abs is exactly my situation. The bathing suit I figured out is a bottom that has these little running shorts built in, and a bandeau top. The bottoms are just plain black Target brand, and I have a couple of cute bandeaus I got elsewhere. Triangle tops might be cute too if your boobs can

Okay, I want to hear more beauty tips about used coffee grounds! We go through a ton of coffee in this house and even though we compost the grounds (another insufferable here), I'd love to do something beauty product-related with it first.

Oh my god. You are one of those mysterious and lucky people who can shave with bar soap! I require a thick coating of the silkiest mud possible and then have to have the highest blade count and it takes forever and I'm lucky if it's even smooth when I'm done.

I like this idea. It sounds like a big tackle, potentially.

So, even though this is super easy and cheap to do, I always forget it in my routine, but this microbeads article reminded me: Get some aspirin (I use about 4 or 5) and put them in the palm of your hand. Dissolve them with a COUPLE of drops of water (seriously, less than you think) and mash them about until it forms a

Don't forget to add some aspirin to this mix! Key ingredient!

Haha! I wish! It smelled so appetizing. I did eat chocolate right afterward though because there was a coffee/chocolate shop next door. Brilliant business strategy.

Yeah, my lady did a good job too, but I'm starting to wonder if I got lucky that my hair didn't fall out. Keratin seems like it might be too complicated for us non-professionals to just use willy-nilly.

it's called Sunny Kids. It's like, $20 for a spray bottle! It's marketed to kids, which is why many adults haven't heard of it. I think the brand Kiss My Face makes a similar product.

Yes! The one and only facial I ever got was a chocolate one and it was the best thing.

That's a good one. I pretty much only buy physical sunblock, myself (zinc oxide), but the inconvenience is that it's hard to find in spray form. Most sprays are chemical blocks. I did find ONE good spray at my local hippie market, but it is expensive! It lasts a long time though, and I'll splurge because I have irish

So, I can't find your email (troglodyte here, sorry), and so I'm going to use the comment space to request that one of these "what's up with" substances be keratin.