
But if we all got over our Puritan obsessions, how would people like willow smith get any attention?

Haha! This is great-

Yeah, it's not a "start" though. The rhythm method has been part of catholic dogma forever. He's just taking advantage of the fact that people are ignorant about old catholic doctrine to appear cool.

That's exactly the reason he keeps getting all this credit for being progressive when all he's doing is stating decades-old catholic positions. This is just the goddamn rhythm method. There are even Catholics who don't understand the difference though, and so this guy is just taking advantage of that ignorance to come

nope. Not huge. Neither was the "evolution and science are real" statements he made that have been official Catholic positions for decades.

Seriously! I can't imagine that my reaction to someone not calling me back would be to stalk him, force him into lying about his sister dying (or whatever) and telling me not to call, and then I want to just force myself in his presence to...bask in the disgust and hate? I don't get it.

Yep. I had an ex who wouldn't take no. Wouldn't "allow" me to break up with him. So I fled to a different state. He kept trying to find me (driving around the new state. For 10 years he did this (we were only together for 2). Everyone just thought poor him was having a hard time and I was being needlessly cruel until

Because I'm kind of old, I have seen many, many wedding dresses too (including more than one of my own). I will say that one stands out in memory as gorgeous, and it wasn't wven one of the non-white ones (which can be cool, or prom-ish, depending). It was this sleek, satin, PERFECTLY tailored very simple long white

especially when you consider that that $780 comes with the promise of returning to your job as well.

"We love children so much! Fuck her existing child!"

Yeah, this breakfast might not be 5 minutes, but I make a lot of hash out of leftovers. Asian food takeout leftovers? Next morning hash! Pork loin dinner? Hash! The trick with making it cook faster (and taste better) is to chop everything very small. I usually chop potatoes very tiny,, and then chop whatever meats and

yes. We love babies so much, fuck her existing child!

See, every year everyone calls out the academy for being irrelevant as the arbiter for the standard of "the best". They are too biased and out of touch. It's a game of campaigning and popularity. I don't see how it hasn't been replaced with something more objectively respectful.

I can't...

I can't wait to see the email she sends her bridesmaids in (I'm guessing) 2 years.

really? How long did it take you? I really dislike my saggy jowels, and a nexk lift is not in my future.

so true. It's the same strategy they used with Obamacare (which is just Romneycare). All they have to do is say, "socialism!" and all the barely-scraping-by-Joe-the-plumbers will rally against it. An easy strategy, really.

I don't like anything she does or says, but I want to keep seeing her on the red carpet all the time. Is that it?

Also, while I'm inclined to think that most Anericans need the advice of experts, I do not think Oprah Winfrey is the person to be unleashing any of these "experts"

I've seen it so many times and it's just as funny! I love that there are so many moments where juuuuust as its on the verge of going overblown schticky slapstick, they reign it in and make it earnest again. And then when she full out lays on her back on the podium at the end!! I hope they publish out takes of that