
Of course I would tell that to a teenager with anorexia. Why wouldn’t I? Something like “Yeah, that bar is not meant as a statement about your weight, it isn’t about you as an individual *at all*.” You think that would be a bad thing to say?

I would agree with you 100% about not sending those diet bars out, though.

No one should ever be shamed for being fat. But it is unhealthy. The science is deadly clear on this.

Maybe don’t take random events personally?

Ban. It. Now.

Well, at least Gillibrand got fried as collateral damage for this, so there’s a silver lining.


Ah, that explains it. Damn, was hoping for a gripping tale. Or at least a ripping yarn.

Hey, why were you greyed on Deadspin?

Huh? How is what she wrote not accurate? Is there a joke here I’m missing?

No. The “immaculate” part refers to Mary being born without sin, not that God didn’t leave a wet spot when conceiving Jesus.

I dunno, in terms of Steyer. Long have I thought that the Dems need to put up a candidate who has no illusions of being viable, merely to taunt Trump mercilessly ever day. And I don’t mean with “Ha ha Orange dummy” stuff. I mean:

Day 1: You raped your wife
Day 2: You and Jeff Epstein raped little girls
Day 3: You are

Trump happened two years ago. Checks out.

Pedestrians, actually, are by far the biggest dickholes in NYC, when it comes to cluelessness on the roads. Way worse than cars or cyclists.

I’m glad you are walking, but can you look up from your phone when you decide to wander aimlessly into my bike lane mid-block? Thanks in advance.

“...I worry more about cyclists in the crosswalk than cars...”

I am very sorry to say you are a dumbass, then. Cyclists can be annoying, but they are orders of magnitude less dangerous to you than cars.

No, forcing people to wear helmets would make a lot of people not bike, and destroy Citibike. People in Holland, a huge bike culture, don’t wear helmets—they have separation from cars.

The end.

What makes me worry is mostly a question of ammunition. There are so many democrats, will there be enough ammo for the circular firing squad to murder them all?

Fountain? That is crazy....

Or you could respect my laziness and just tell me?

Even at 7% market return, you still gross over 570K. Plus, sure, rents do rise, but so does insurance and so do property taxes.

This makes me nervous. If I’m a landlord, the thing I would first think about doing is turning my building condo. A lot of these headaches go away, then.