
Everybody thought that shit was hinky from Day 1. IIRC.

They’ll last because they are giving Root readers what they want: an enemy to hate, facts be damned.

Please go back to Breitbart, you shit for brains concern troll. So obvious.

That said, still 100% hoax.

Okay. He is a liar.

None of this changes the fact that Omar is, in fact, an anti-Semite. She will probably do dog-whistlig better in the future, though, so there’s that.

It sucked because it didn’t.

Where is the specific apology to his victim?

People who refer to Israelis committing “genocide” are very much more often than not antisemites. It’s even been studied!

The dipshit performative wokery: she is everywhere! Warner, and everyone reading this, has consumed multiple products created on multiple plantations.

“Plantation” does not mean “slave farm.”

“’s fucked-up that a black woman as charismatic as Zoe Saldana should have to have blue and green skin in her two biggest roles.”

Ooooooooh! D’oh! Color me stoopit. Thanks for the tip!

Correct me if I’m wrong, but you get no points with Apple Pay, right? I make literally thousands of dollars from my credit cards.

Whether sincere or troll, you are a waste of time.

Jets made 2 AC games with the Sanchize as their QB. You think with Brady under center, nothing changes?

Why isn’t it? “Merchants of Truth” proffered by one such soi-disant Merchant being “False” is ironic, no?

Looks like Melania Trump has at last found her biographer.



No. But, interestingly and ironically, people who shriek like banshees when their criticism of Israel becomes hateful are, 100% of the time, antisemites.