Pug Star

Wait. What? So you are saying the medium by which the music was/is distributed trumps the very content itself? So, the 808 or Technics, on their own, would be what they are today without the beats, artists and dj's who revolutionized their use and created the craft? Sorry, but a turntable without a Mix Master

Vaguely remember watching a movie on BET I believe was depicting the early career of Little Richard. A good portion of the movie touched on the historical practice of music executives taking black music and redoing it with white artists sans attribution. This was the result of the majority white audience refusal to

1. Because twitter is the medium through which all of this started, and the only one where it can be guaranteed Iggy would see his message.

If you're more concerned about the medium than the message you are a dinosaur. He spoke where people listen. Your elitism is out of style.

"a character whose WASP identity is central to the character"

I'm actually fine with the dinosaur fucking. I don't get that particular fetish but I don't have to, because it's not written for me. No one is hurt by that. Even writing about rape fantasies is fine, because people are allowed to have those fantasies, even if (again) I really, really don't get it. What isn't fine is

At Cosby's level, it's largely about money. My cousin, however, is a public defender. He and a lot of the public defenders do it because they really and truly believe that everyone deserves an advocate, even (or perhaps especially) those who have been accused of the worst crimes.

MISSSSYYYY! Still doin her thang stayin ahead of the game!

WHY is Jez posting still frames from videos of assaults on teenage girls? Editing her face out is not good enough. Did you learn nothing from your Benghazi post?

she was too drunk/high to give consent

I am a good white person. ... And do you know what? I don't see a need to apologize for it.

"it's mom..." I can only hope to embarrass my kids, on that level, at some point in their lives.

I love this mom. And by love this mom I mean that I really do love her but I'm so glad she's not my mom.

This just in: other people's circumstances are different from yours. I live in the country, have to drive to get to *any* supermarket, go to Costco once a month for other stuff, so why not pick up bacon while I'm there? It also freezes well, so makes sense to buy the large pack.

Oh yeah, totally logical. When I place a to go order and they ask for a name, I'm always like, "Let me show you the facebook page of the person the order is for." Restaurants love that because it's so much more efficient than just saying, "Steve." What a wacky misunderstanding!

Don't cut your wrists with all that Edginess.

That's nothing, my cat performs 4'33" on a nightly basis.

I am also of a "fuck that dude" mind. 45 days for an assault. AND he wants that shit pardoned? No way.

Except Kevin Hart is already being paid millions of dollars to be in the movie, so yeah, if you were gonna pay me more money than 90% of the people in the planet make in a lifetime, you can bet I'd be their fucking lap dog. Go to that presser? Sure! Send a few tweets promoting myself and the movie I'm in? Absolutely!