
I get the impression he didn’t really know what was happening and showed up to deal with a noise complaint only to discover it was the Beatles playing live. Halfway through he realizes that he’s put himself in a place where he can’t back down but that not backing down would mean having to arrest the Beatles. He looked

Take your damn star, and don't forget those unexplained fires are STILL a matter for the courts.

They did it, those crazy bastards actually did it....

Sending things into the sun takes quite a bit of deltaV. You are going to be making more trash than you are helping. 

This seems like a great candidate for an electromod. Original drivetrain is both crap and rare. Combine with a salvage Fiat 500e and you’ve got something interesting.

Afterwards, she still sees that Anakin is a good guy at heart.

what is it people want from Star Wars?”

That name again is Mr. Plow!

Sir, you are on Jalopnik, and Mr. Plow exists.

The whole roller rink episode was set up as the guys telling the story of rhwie past. So it’s all from their story, with all its embellishments, exaggerations, and inaccuracies. It even fades back to them in the end just after telling it, and they’ve never been the most reliable people. So this was just them

A 27 course tasting menu should add up to an entree

Musk actually did it. He certainly has his issues, but the Falcon 9 is a major change for the US space industry. You do realize that we were still using outdated old hardware to do launches before the Falcon 9, right?

not when people are specifically trying to credit Musk for building something that others would have -were/are working on- like if it was not for him it would have never happened

Yes, we get it — dedicated snow tires are better in winter driving conditions. No one disputes this. But they are overkill or even entirely unnecessary in large parts of the US.

Really the myth is that all seasons aren’t fine in the winter. For all but like, 5% of the country, they are. All season in 2021 are totally different than the ones that weren’t sufficient in the cold 30 years ago.

It’s like everyone forgot Mango.

Got news for you, the unvaccinated aren’t unvaccinated because of lack of access or vaccine availability. Obviously getting those people vaccinated would be the best course of action. Over here in reality, I don’t want to get sick. I can’t control the idiots who won’t get vaccinated but I can drive my ass down to

If any part of you is “grinning,” I think you’re the complete asshole in this situation.

Local 700 here.

The BALLS to do that live! With my luck, even if I was a really good skater (I’m not), I would have crashed, broken both arms, and ripped the seat of my pants while making a crazy noise of dismay that would instantly be remixed in a million videos.